Crazy Cories


Fish Herder
Mar 30, 2008
Reaction score
Queensbury, NY
ok i have 8 peppered cories in my tank. the last fe days these little fish have been swiming up and down the tank clustered around each other, swiming up to the top of the tank and then diving back down.
is this normal cory behavior, they seem very hyper, more hyper then usual should i be worried.
also the ottocats join in and do the same thing swimming fast around the tank and going to the top and back.
is this normal behavior?
Sound like lack of oxygen.

What temperature is your tank? Ideally it should be between 22 and 24 degrees celcius for Peppers and Ottos.

What filtration are you using?

What other stock do you have in what size tank?

How old is the tank?

Have you any water test results handy? - Strip or liquid tested?

You may just need to drop the temperature a degree or two or add an air stone. however, without the information above, this can only be an educated guess. If you have the information I have asked for, we will be able to advise more accurately :good:
tank stats are normal, and the actualy filter unit has been cleaned out (it was gross) i have an aration stone for an old one gallon tank i can add, (i am unfortiantly unemployed at the moment so i can't buy anything more like a larger tank.
the tank its self is no more then thre months old and i more then likely over stocked it. i think i got too excited.
its only 10 gallons and besides the cores and ottos there are three mysteries two khulis and three guppies. i am looking into finding a larger tank but at this point money is and issue.
i do however keep on top of water changes and the water was changed out thursday i just refilled the water jugs so the next one is sunday
I think you may have stocked up a bit too quickly ;)

However, 30% water changes three times a week and minimal feeding should help keep things under control until the tank has matured.

Do you know the temperature of the water?

Do you have an air pump for the air stone? I have a spare or two if you are desperate for one and can cover postage.
my air stone came with a pump too it only for a one gallon but i think i can cram it into the tank
thank you for the offer though. temp is about 74-76 degrees. not sure of the conversion is.
my air stone came with a pump too it only for a one gallon but i think i can cram it into the tank
thank you for the offer though. temp is about 74-76 degrees. not sure of the conversion is.

That works out to about 23-24 celcius roughly.

You could try dropping it to 72-73 fahrenheit (about 22-22.7 celcius), that should help increase oxygenation a little.

Try that for 24 hours, if it doesn't help, pop the air stone in.

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