crazy acting fish


New Member
Aug 11, 2005
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hey everybody...wonder if any can help me. i came home today and find my fish acting all weird when i go close to the tank, my little niece was over and think she may have been banging the glass( her fingerprints were all over the glass!!!!) anywho, i just treated the mollies yesterday with whitespot as i noticed one of them had it, afew hours later she was looking fine, and they all looked happy, and now i noticed her tail is nipped!! she was kinda near the filter intake trying to swim away, im not sure if this was the same maybe the filter sucked in her tail :S as she was trying to escape it......does the banging make them go crazy and act all weird when i now go close to the tank??? im worried for them, as this is only the third day i have had em :( what can i do to help
Banging the tank will stress the fish and cause the escape mode you are experiencing. I would add some stress coat to calm them down and maybe turn off the lights for a day.
Also, what are your tank size, no. of fish, water stats (ammonia and nitrites)? Was the tank cycled before adding the mollies or not?

A ragged tail can be caused by nipping but can also be due to finrot, a bacterial disease which is often related to problems with water quality.
thanks for the reply guys! the tank is a 125 litre rio, and the tank was cycled, so the lfs guy said, he said it was ready for fish, i bought 5 sunset mollies to start, they all looked fine, even this morning they were all fine, in just a few hours her tail is bad so quick :S i know this is bad, but i dont still have a test kit, i was a few quid short yesterday when i went to buy the whitespot med, so culdnt get one. :*) but they all looked so happy!

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