Hello Guys,
Its been a while and its nice to see people bringing this thread to the top and showing an interest in how the tanks doing! I`ve been really really busy since i start work Monday, any free time is spent maintaining the tank and sleeping!
If you remember i was having some algae problems and also struggling with the hair grass. Well i didnt want to post too soon, but now (2 weeks on) i am happy to say that algae has cleared up and the tank is back to full health. I did surrender the hairgrass tho, so much was dead that it was not worth continuing. It just grew so slowly!
To get rid of the algae i increased my CO2 dose and reduced the light to 10 hours a day 3 hours break for 2 hours and then 7 hours. I also turned one light off, so was only running 48w = ~2.5 wpg. I started fertilising less also during this period.
The problem cleared up within about 4 days, after a week it was gone and now 2 weeks on it has remained clear.
Maybe the initial algae burst started due to the addition of fish and thus ammonia spike, or maybe it was AS, lol,

i guess we will never know for sure.
The problem is, with something like that, you change so many factors that you can`t hold down a specific variable as the cause for the algae.
Anyhow, I will fill you in with a few tank stats and facts.
Now running my lights back at 72w but maintaining the same lighting period as above. One of the biggest reasons for this, is so they are on when i am home
6 Ottos
25 Amano Shrimp
7 Glow light Tetra
4 Calumbian Tetra
Co2: 2 bps in my JBL counter, probably equivelent to 4 bps in an ADA counter.
Lights: As above
Ammonia and nitrite near zero
I have now started increasing the dose of nitrate to 15ppm every other day, its interesting to see that my plants have really started perling since doing this. Also 10ml of bulk trace every other day
4 squirts of ADA Step 1 and K every other day inbetween.
5ml of TMG at every water change. (don`t ask why

Water Change: 30% twice weekly
----------------- have i missed anything out?
I tell you where i do have algae, on my lily pipe bend!! hopw irritating, i am going to have to get one of those special cleaning pipes soon.
I have replaced the hairgrass with glosso again. Only planted it a few days ago and it is growing well already. I didnt get much to be honest, i am confident within a few weeks it will form a decent carpet. There is no denying that i am gutted the hairgrass didn`t work out, but glosso was always an option from the onset!
I have a question, when i bought my glosso from greenline, it says:
"Cultivated from New Zealand stock before the blankit export ban"
What the heck does that mean....is this a different kind of glosso then?
I`ll shut up, here are the pictures my taken with my dads new Sony Cybershot H5, its a great camera!!
Sorry, the first has half of me on it, but i just thought it was a great shot of the tank!!
A macro shot completely side on of one of my glowlights!!
Lots of pictures, got a bit carried away!!
So furture plans, I am still pruning it into shape. All these pictures are false because tomorrow after work its time for the next big trim, where i will cut the rotala back down to about 6 inch and replant. Its a long process but i realise how it works now. If i get time later today, i`ll post my pruning schedule.
Hope you like it so far!