Cramped Bettas....


My names Russell.... ....and I'm a
Apr 13, 2004
Reaction score
Milton Keynes - UK
saw a large collection of bettas at a lfs today... we normally avoid the place as their tanks are dirty and fish never look good. both us and many friends have always endded up with white spot when buying their fish...

anyway they have had a bit of a clear up so we thought we would pop in and have a look.... tanks are still the same - including their betta housing...

dosnt look humaine to me :grr:



The pictures look a lot brighter than it actually was.
Those cups are dirty :crazy: but they are bigger then the cups at my lfs and petco and petsmart...
Auratus said:
Those cups are dirty :crazy: but they are bigger then the cups at my lfs and petco and petsmart...
Ditto, they're even cleaner than some I've seen around here :/
Oh my god, that it revolting. Not only the state of them, but keeping them in those little cups. I know they are well able to survive, but in my opinion thats wrong. At my lfs, Pets At Home, they keep thier bettas in proper fish tanks with the other fish, so they can swim around in nice water with lots of company and plants to eat. Thats just mean keeping them like that.
i hope they are feedin them more than just plants :huh:

i dont agree with this 'stick a betta in a teaspoon of water' thing... i dont agree with them bein in a 2gal tank either but thats just my opinion.... but thats just down right disgusting.. how is a fish supposed to 'live' like that? :crazy:
just cos you've seen worse don't make it right folks....

the thing that got me was the rest of the tanks....

the had some 3ft's devided into 4 sections - JAMMED with smaller fish like neons and tetras... they even had 4-5 plecs in one of the sections.... take that with the fact that they had some empty, undevided 3ft's, wouldn't it make a LOT more sence to put the over crowded fish in the un devided tanks and move the bettas to a more roomy tank where they would look great!...

just hate to see 'experienced and trusted' shop owners making fish lives hell :(

in the wild they dont live in a small confined box do they :(
Yes the manager of my LPS knows nothing about fish, he pretends he does, yet they have undergravel filters, fill the tanks from the tap (I think most stores do), fail to realise that they have tanks full of ICH infected fish :/ He just wants to sell them before they die on him, who cares if the infect somebody elses tank, not his problem, they will come back and buy more :angry:

The best stores are the ones with skilled aquarianists, yes aquarianists ;) who only sell fish and hopefully you will get what you pay for...

And about the betta's, it makes me sad to see them

cometcattle said:
What did the owner say when you confronted him? :dunno:
we'd already left....

the store was staffed by teenagers (heck - how old do i sound) that were more involved with the football behind the counter than the customers (or the fish)
(It was FA cup final day today)
i hope they are feedin them more than just plants

Yeah, they do feed them more than just plants, lol. I didn't know that fish shops in the UK sold Bettas like that. All my locla ones if they have bettas put them in proer tanks to display them.
I agree with Dawn, I don't like bettas being kept in really small spaces either (anything less than 5 gallons) but those cups are horribly dirty. I have seen members of this site keeping bettas in something fractionally bigger and thinking it's great because it's better than what's seen in LFSs.

I don't agree with any of it.
Jeez, with fish joints treating their livestock like that in the U.K I can kinda understand a bit why I got bagged in my tips at getting bargains post. Thankfully the petstores in and near Ballarat are nowhere near that bad (yes, even the bigger chain style warehouse, goddamn we can afford to buy a big ass load of fish, come and get em cheeaaap! type outlets). Majority of petstores over here at least keep their bettas in with other fish over winter, only resorting to a barracks in summer at most. I've never seen a tank anywhere near that dirty over here either, if I did I'd most likely tell em to pull their heads in and learn to look after fish before putting an ad in the local newspaper tellin others not to shop there. I'd go so far as to say that I have never, ever seen anything that even comes close to that in Oz, and I've been to a fair few aquariums, not only near me, but further interstate too.

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