Cracking Down On Flamming.

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Aug 20, 2006
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Calgary Alberta
Recently ive been looking through the forums and there has been much heated dusscusion and flamming going on. I feel that there.should be a total ban on any flamming what so ever. There have even been posts on how bad the flamming has gotten and it needs to stop. I think if the mods catch any flamming thy person who posted it should get an autiomatic ban from posting anything (pretty much becoming a guest) The person can apologize through a mod to the person he or she flammed. After 2 weeks of having the punishment. I feel this will incourage members to stop the rude and mean comments.

You can PM me the thread(s) if you feel more comfortable doing that rather than posting it here.


edit: grammar
Go into the betta section, three with bad flamming, actually acoupe I got involved with in a bad way and want to apologize for it. Anyways I think one is by macalady1 and the other is intitled genetics and the other "should I breed them?" anyways awhile back i'm pretty sure it was the-wolf who posted something about us not really being the "friendliest fish forum around"
Go into the betta section, three with bad flamming, actually acoupe I got involved with in a bad way and want to apologize for it. Anyways I think one is by macalady1 and the other is intitled genetics and the other "should I breed them?" anyways awhile back i'm pretty sure it was the-wolf who posted something about us not really being the "friendliest fish forum around"

Why not go the whole hog and ban everyone who encourages flaming, eg, by making stupid threads complaining about flaming, or by just being an idiot.

For instance, the 'should I breed them?' thread you meantion- the OP should be banned, not anyone else. It's simply animal cruelty to breed two fish that will injure each other in the process and not have any desirable fry out of it- not from a quality point of view but those fish would not be going to excellent homes, and from the information given by the OP, many of the fry would sit in small jars at his/her home for years because the LFS would on'y take 5 a week. And then, to add insult to injury, and more cruelty, the fish he/she does breed are pretty much straight from a shop, stressed, uncondtioned, and no way in a state to breed. Any 'flaming' was perfectly justifiable.

My vote? We all stop it with the pathetic and frankly annoying 'stop the [insert word here] on the forum' because apart from anything else, it casues more problems than it solves.
I think this is an extremely friendly forum. Some people just can't take others opinions even when they asked for it I'm afraid. :|
A lot of it depends on the sensitivity of the reader. Any flaming on this forum is minimal compared to most forums, and really isn't an issue as far as I'm concerned. I'm sure I've posted things that couls be considered flaming, and I bet I could twist much of what gets posted as being a flame, if I wanted to be overly sensitive.
Recently ive been looking through the forums and there has been much heated dusscusion and flamming going on. I feel that there.should be a total ban on any flamming what so ever. There have even been posts on how bad the flamming has gotten and it needs to stop. I think if the mods catch any flamming thy person who posted it should get an autiomatic ban from posting anything (pretty much becoming a guest) The person can apologize through a mod to the person he or she flammed. After 2 weeks of having the punishment. I feel this will incourage members to stop the rude and mean comments.
perhaps we should have a rule not to post any thing that upsets anyone! people will disagree, so unless we have a list of questions thay we can ask, you will get people putting their point forward, some with more force, than others. people always seem to think they have the right to modify or change the things some write! if you really think this is a problem, perhaps you should set up your own forum, then you can make sure, you are happy with every thing that is said. the site has 20.000 plus members, i have seen only a handful of complaints about so called "flamming", seems like a good ratio to me, and have never seen anything remotely like it myself. perhaps you are just to sensitive!!!!!!!!!!

on reflection Discuslova. can i respectfully request that you and the other "moaners" (****)off, insert the word you wish, and let the vast majority of the members continue the way we are. it must be said that the few spats i have seen are quite amusing, and can add some light releaf to my forum trawl. personaly i find them much better than threads like yours.

and if that is flamming, so be it.
I've been paying attention to this issue and so I went to the betta forum and found 2 of the threads mentioned above. I've said before that I don't see flaming being a problem on TFF and after reading those threads, I still don't Nearly all of the posts offered opinions and good experienced advice on what is (after all) a pretty contentious issue. Nearly everyone seems to be pretty well behaved IMO. I certainly didn't find anything "offensive" in there. It was pretty tame stuff really. And the ethics/ethnics bit - well, I thought it was pretty damn funny myself.

I'm beginning to find these thread about flaming more annoying than anything, and as of now I'm pledging to try my best to stay away from them. It's a non-issue IMO.
:nerd: i just really dont get it :angry: these threads are so annoying, and ill ask again like i did in the last thread, how is this going to help anything? its just going to make things 10x worse. God, i think people are just trying to gather attention by doing this or something :grr:
wow okay this is uncalled for. All i'm trying to say is that I think it should be friendlier just look and some of the posts on this thread, "moaners (****)off" just doesn't seem right. I honestly don't care what you think about me posting a thread on this, its not up to you to do anything about it or care, this is a thread for the mods and such because there opions matter more then yours. I also think one member is incouraging me to leave and start my own fourm, thanks but no thanks, i'd rather stay here and adress needs needing to be adressed. :D
good luck, but i dont think its gonna work, you say this threads for mods, well, they do come on this forum every day, if there was a problem then theyd know about it, plus youre just adding to the millions of other threads like this that have already been done incase you didnt know. if its for the mods why didnt you pm them, because im sorry that i didnt know that im not a high enough status for this thread and give my opinion. Its obviously not an issue, just look at the responses.
wow okay this is uncalled for. All i'm trying to say is that I think it should be friendlier just look and some of the posts on this thread, "moaners (****)off" just doesn't seem right. I honestly don't care what you think about me posting a thread on this, its not up to you to do anything about it or care, this is a thread for the mods and such because there opions matter more then yours. I also think one member is incouraging me to leave and start my own fourm, thanks but no thanks, i'd rather stay here and adress needs needing to be adressed. :D

You're a fine one to talk. When you first arrived here you were rude and obnoxious and called me some really insulting names. So you've had a brain transplant since then? Or a personality one? Daft thread imho, just one too many of them. :grr:

Oh and if you want to grab the attention of the mod's I would advise you to pm them in private. They are highly unlikely to express their personal opinions on an inflammatory thread.
ok, the genetics thread is 100% clean of flaming--in fact, it's one of the friendliest discussions i've seen in a while.

the "should i breed them?" thread has some harsh language, but no flaming. flaming is basically a direct insult that doesn't directly pertain to the issue at hand. "you are a terrible person" is a flame, but "you are a terrible fishkeeper" is not.

i don't know about LadyMacca's thread because it was removed at her request, but it does seem like any flaming issue there was handled appropriately by the mod team.

if you can find only 3 threads with possible flaming on the entire forum, then its probably not a major issue.
I find dicuslova to be nice, no such thing as a perfect forum, but i have seen worse.
I learning not to respond when in a temper calm down first. lol
wow okay this is uncalled for. All i'm trying to say is that I think it should be friendlier just look and some of the posts on this thread, "moaners (****)off" just doesn't seem right. I honestly don't care what you think about me posting a thread on this, its not up to you to do anything about it or care, this is a thread for the mods and such because there opions matter more then yours. I also think one member is incouraging me to leave and start my own fourm, thanks but no thanks, i'd rather stay here and adress needs needing to be adressed. :D

well friend, it would seem that as far as the people replying to your thread goes, there is not a problem!!! so it is you who must deal with it!!! it is also clear that threads like this, are far more of a problem.

sadly it looks like your attempt to mould the forum to you taste has failed. and quite why you think the mods would act on you thread, when they had not seen fit to act before, is beyond me. lol i think you will find that the mood of the forum members has more than a little to do with how they perform their jobs.

and on a personal point! do me the favor of quoting my whole post, as most if not all members do, rather then picking a few words or indeed miss-quoting me. though i am not suprised, people who wish to dictate the way people would, act and write, also have no problem, miss repesenting those who disagree with them! history is full of them lol :shout: :shout:
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