I actually have over 30 in there. Its a 15G Fluval Flex. Also 6 Otos, a nerite and lots of malaysian trumpet snails and red rili shrimp. I added 24 CPD in April 18. I have never tried to save eggs or fry so the population stays fairly static. I have had fry and I have lost some. Shrimps eat CPD eggs (so do CPD) and CPD eat shrimplets.
Here's the tank a few weeks ago (I'm not home now to take a realtime pic) - and yes, the CPDs are all in there![]()
And just for fun
Looks great! I love CPDs. They are such a cool fish. I had no idea you could keep that many. I suppose they don't need that much room and they don't have a huge bioload. What is that plant on the right? I bet they love hanging out in there. I have a huge Amazon sword that they all hang out in.