Couple Of Newbie Questions

Usually the case that rectangular ones are better, especially ones that are shorter. Thin rectangular tanks (thin front to back) are usually not desireable for many reasons although there are always exceptions like the batfish or marine betta...
yeh thats the sort of shape tank i will be looking for but i reckon its gonna come off ebay or something cos im not payin £500 for a brand new one when there are bargains to be had
well theres been a few ive looked at within an hour or 2 drive form my house, that would usually retail at £500+ and one custom built one go for less than £150. So maybe at the start of next month, after a load more reading il go for it and stary trying my hand at a bit of plumbing :)
Just read BigC's journal and omg its stunning so its made me want to get cracking. But im going to resist for now

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