What a beaut. Really, they all are! What would happen if you bred the yellow with an orangie girl? Could you reinforce the orange that way?wuvmybetta said:My copper doubetail
You horrible, horrible woman. How dare you? I'm reporting you to PETA and 1-800-WALMART!wuvmybetta said:Sorry I cut off his tail )
I dunno. If I spawned him it would most definitely be with an orange girl. Both non-reds would equal....non-red,but what color? It would most certainly be an interesting spawn.cation said:What a beaut. Really, they all are! What would happen if you bred the yellow with an orangie girl? Could you reinforce the orange that way?wuvmybetta said:My copper doubetail,also a Straits fish. Sorry I cut off his tail ) He came up to display so I had to catch him quick.
If you want to borrow him for a few weeks, you're welcome to. Of course you'd have 2 way overnight shipping invested in it. But you may get a hella yellow spawn.Sorrell said:...I do think you should breed the yellow HM though. I have a yellow girl who will kill to spend the night with him
You're a genius I should try him with a mg girl That's a perfect idea. I'll wait a few months until my girls are a bit biggertreefrog said:Awww they are gorgeous!!! They have grown so much!! My understanding (which is limited of course) is you could breed him to any number of females as he has the same clean slate thing going like the orangies. I know you got several gorgeous misc. females at the auction. Or maybe your delta mg female to outcross the lines since they are siblings right? Just some ideas.
Well don't want to toot my own horn butwuvmybetta said:You're a genius I should try him with a mg girl That's a perfect idea. I'll wait a few months until my girls are a bit bigger