Couple More Beginner Questions...

Your tank is lovely and will have a lot of visual interest when you get those taller plants or wood in the back of the tank.
The bow front aquariums are my fav.
I didn't realize fish could go more than a day or two without being fed, ya learn something new every day!
Want to thank everyone again.  The driftwood made an almost immediate difference in the tank -- the shark LOVES it, and only occasionally pesters the smaller fish now -- it came with snail eggs on it (it was in a tank at the store) so now there are snails!  All the fish now get their fair share of food, so I'm not overfeeding anymore, parameters are stable, my algae issue is resolved (I was exposing the tank to too much sunlight) and I have four species of plants in there that look way better than the plastic ones, and are quite clearly helping stabilize the mini-ecosystem in there.  The shark likes to eat the duckweed, though I can see I'll have to clear that out periodically as it's alreadsy covering almost the entire top of the tank.  As soon as I get a little free time, I'm going to build up the schools of serpae tetra and zebrafish, get more plants and another peice of driftwood.  They only had "medium" sized peices, and I'd like one that goes higher in the tank.
The RTBS is amazing.  He's visibly grown larger over the course of less than two months.  The little guys both now come hang out everytime I approach the tank, though the shark is rather aloof, and spends most of his time behind the driftwood.  I'll post another pic when I get a minute.
Here's that pic...  Things sre still going well in there!  I'm not sure what that long floating plant on the left is... anacharis? bit I like it!  I still need something to replace the big plastic plant on the right-side.


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pir said:
 As soon as I get a little free time, I'm going to ..... get more plants and another peice of driftwood.  They only had "medium" sized peices, and I'd like one that goes higher in the tank.
Since you're in the U.S. I'd HIGHLY recommend Not only do you get most of what you want, but he has a good PERSONAL EXPERIENCE description on everything. Duckweed, for example, he admits will get out of hand QUICKLY. But he'll also tell you what needs high light, what needs low light, what needs fertilizer, what can just be planted in gravel, etc.

Although he's not always clear on the height of plants, he'll describe some of them. Blue Willow Hygro, for example, he suggests as being a VERY tall and fast grower, and should be used in the back. All of my plants arrived healthy, and MUCH better looking than anything you'd find at PetSmart, of course! If you don't mind cutting back a lot, you could get some hornwort from him. Within just THREE DAYS of it's arrival, mine had doubled in height to reach the water surface of a 22" tall tank! Water Wisteria and (Narrow Leaf) Water Sprite also shot up quickly. The Blue Willow Hygro had new growth instantly, but not as tall as the other three - it went out a little more than up.

He has a large selection AND cheap prices too. Just read the descriptions and look for whatever he mentions is "beginner" or "not picky" for the easiest plants to handle.
Thanks Ltygress!  I may check them out, as I definitely want more plants, and petco and petsmart are my only options without driving about an hour away.  I'm prepared for the duckweed, as I'm famailir with it in our pond.  It's amazing how fast it can reproduce and grow, though so far it's manageable in my tank, as it gets significant agitation from the over-the-top filter, which seems to slow it down.  There's also not a ton of nutrients in the tank, as it was already cycling before I added plants, and I still only have three fish, which hopefully will change soon!

Ha!  I just found out that the plant I couldn't identify is hornwort, and can confirm that it does grow fast.
The good part is, with Hornwort's feathery appearance, it can give an aquarium that well-planted look really fast.
Although when Bamaplants sent mine, they sent MASSIVE bunches anyway. Probably to help them get rid of the excess, lol!

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