Couple Info On 2 Carpet Plants?


Fish Crazy
Mar 1, 2007
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I was looking at a couple of carpet plants and found 2 i liked..

Japanese Hairgrass
Hemianthus Callitrichoides

Does anyone have experience with these and tell me how they are??? I have a low light setup around 2.9 WPG but i plan on backing off the light and seeing how the plants work with about 1.3 and adding more if needed.
I really wont do much with the plants besides giving them food. No injection this and that.. So please be honest.. Thanks!
The hemianthus (refered to as HC as its easier!) need highlight, lots of co2 and ferts, and a decent plant substrate helps as well. Not an easy plant at all.

do you know about the marsilea minuta

I really like this one. it seems like this one would work well
Yeh nice plant, it might get quite tall though?

it only gets 2 inches it looks like.. the marsilea quad one gets a lot bigger...
it only gets 2 inches it looks like.. the marsilea quad one gets a lot bigger...

Marsilea minuta

Very similar to Marsilea quadrifolia however, Marsilea minuta is much shorter (about one cm)...identical in size to glossostigma. Like quadrifolia it is dark green and tolerates much lower light levels than does glossostigma. We also now grow it emergent and in this form it is a 2-4in tall plant. Once planted in your aquarium, allow it to grow for a week and it will revert to the tiny 1cm high submersed growth. Once overall new short submersed growth is twice the volume of the original emersed growth, you can begin to cut back the emersed growth.

Just found this on a quick google. It looks nice - i'm looking for carpetting plants too - ideally not too high maintenance. Lots of people seem to use HC, but high maintenance puts me off a bit

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