Couldnt believe what i heard today

Most LFS stores are family owned, although they are looking for the best intrest of the fish...they have to sel thier products to make a living, even if it may be bad for them :(
rabbitlady said:
well i got to say i work for a lfs that only wants money but i refuse to sell anyone fish till i know they are going to a good home..
i have refused fish 3 times this week because someone came in a got a fish tank to set up at the same time and wanted fish.. so , if this person cares then she would not have sold him fish until she new the facts..
i ask all of the ones that i can .
1. what size tank do you have
2. how long has it been up and running.
3. have you tested the water and if not bring some water to me i will test it for you.
4. do you have other fish in it
5. even sometimes ask who and where is it set up.
like you know is it for a kid or an office..
these are things i ask and sometimes other things if i think of it..
before i sell anyone anything..
how could you refuse to sell to someone? how would you like it if you went to walmart and they refused to sell you a pair of socks because they think you have too many socks already? you would complain and be angry wouldnt you? you dont want someone in your life deciding when you can and can not buy things.
Fishdan, totally with you. I sure as hell wouldn't call them an idiot. Just be like, hey, overheard, lot's of fish, what tank, more blah blah (you can fill it in) and then find out. Be friendly, be all hey, I have some of those fish, more talking, blah blah. That's how you find out, he might be new, or he might be old at this, or maybe he's just feeding his big'ol fish eating fish something expensive this week... either way you can't make the guy do or not do something, and you might end up making a friend... but this is why that one kid who asked about the guppies in a 1 gallon had his mom call people on this forum (wait, what was it? Oh yeah) anal retentive. It's one thing to point out a mistake, but a whole other issue to rip the person a new one. I've heard some people flip out about kids buying the wrong kind of fish for their tank, why don't you nicely point it out to them instead of being all OH MY GOD! all the time. Oh, and Rabbitlady, some people do cycle their tanks with fish, not everyone does it fishless. I'd be pissed if someone wouldn't sell me a fish because I want to use them to cycle my tank. And then I'd go elsewhere.

**Disclaimer--- This is not a personal attack on any one person but a thought of how some people do act. If you get all mad about this, maybe it's because you've done it before. If you don't get all mad, and you know it's not you I'm talking about, then there is no need to worry. Please do not send me death threats, I've already reached my daily limit.
The question really is, SO WHAT?

All of you come here, posting your intelligent opinions, but hey, SO WHAT? What is this going to do? Yeah, sure it is wrong. But why post this here? Unless some lfs bosses are here reading this, and even so, do you think they would give a damn? Its just a fish, for Pete's sake!

BIGMAC said:
StingrayKid said:
So... why didn't she refuse to sell him fish. I would have! :eek:
Thats what shocked me too thats why i left without buying nothing,they dont seem to care some people as long as they sell the fish.I know not all the sales people are bad but many dont seem interested its just a job....(which imo should be left to those who know what they are doing) :(
Shops need to make money. They can't turn down every newbie or idiot who buys fish or they'd go out of business. More people are uninformed or ignorant than know what they are doing, sadly.

You can't judge her or anyone else who sales fish to people who don't know any better. At one time nearly everyone here was one of those people. This is how shops make a living and unless you're willing to open your eyes to that reality, you'll never understand why employees will sell fish to otherwise completely ignorant customers.
Well maybe if she had just taken a little time to explain it to him he would have more chance of understanding ,even if he still baught the fish at least he would have been a bit more informed.
By the way Phantom Thief....(SO WHAT?) great attitude kid
It's the sales person job to sell. (yes they can prompt) but they cant refuse a sale. Otherwise your lfs wont be there any more after they close up from refusing to sell anything to anyone. Its like walking into a store and wanting to buy a large tv and the sales person refuses and says no you room is to small, OR even better you go to buy a dog and they say no because you live in an apartment (even know you may walk it 3 times a day)

Sales people sell that is there job, that is what they get paid to do.

I find alot of people on this forum really over react some times.

Try relaxing a little bit and not stressing.

MAke sure you have the full story before jumping to conclusions.

I put all 30 of my fish in a tank at the same time( horror screems from some other members) its was a 75 gallon tank fully cycled (fishless) with huge amounts of amonia to simulate a heavy bioload.

I did it so all the fish settled in at the same time. 3 months latter and only one loss.

Now take a deep breath and relax.
I agree that this lady didn't know the facts, and the guy could have had a 6Millon gallon tanks with Uber-spaceage filteration and artifical weather environments with seasonal change mechanism ... but ... if someone is buying a large quantity of fish in one go, surely it pays to ask just a few basic questions. Would it be ok for someone to go and buy 3 great dane dogs whilst living in a 16th floor appartment?! The RSPCA would be down on them like a shot! It's a shame that fish aren't afforded the same protection. Its alright saying "well we all make mistakes at first" but most of these mistakes can be avoided if those in a postion of responsibility just ask a few questions.
K-Holed said:
I agree that this lady didn't know the facts, and the guy could have had a 6Millon gallon tanks with Uber-spaceage filteration and artifical weather environments with seasonal change mechanism ... but ... if someone is buying a large quantity of fish in one go, surely it pays to ask just a few basic questions. Would it be ok for someone to go and buy 3 great dane dogs whilst living in a 16th floor appartment?! The RSPCA would be down on them like a shot! It's a shame that fish aren't afforded the same protection. Its alright saying "well we all make mistakes at first" but most of these mistakes can be avoided if those in a postion of responsibility just ask a few questions.
and what if the 16th floor is a penthouse and is huge.

Get your facts straight first.

A guy overheard part of a conversation and started assuming. (remember assumptions are the mother of all ####ups) and everyone in this forum starts holding up there skirts and screaming like little girls.
A problem we have in the UK is that exotic pets are being targeted by the RSPCA as being unsuitable pets. One of their methods is to approach pet shops and see if they can get bad advice or no advice this is then used to 'prove' that exotics are unsuitable as pets.

As far as I know tropical fish have not yet been attacked by the RSPCA but if they do then it is a concern if bad advice or no advice is being given. :(
BIGMAC said:
Well maybe if she had just taken a little time to explain it to him he would have more chance of understanding ,even if he still baught the fish at least he would have been a bit more informed.
By the way Phantom Thief....(SO WHAT?) great attitude kid
And what are you doing about it then?

and what if the 16th floor is a penthouse and is huge.

Get your facts straight first.

Okay ... I took it as read that your average 16th floor apartment is not a huge penthouse, the example was used for demonstration purposes.

Like you said yourself though "Get your facts straight first." I wasn't suggesting that the guy who saw this transaction taking place should have done anything, they merely brought it to the forums attention as a piece of mal-practice and 'possinle' customer ignorance.

We don't know the facts surrounding this particular instance and therefore cannot condemn it as a case in question.W hat CAN be taken from this and what it has raised in debate is that bad practices DO go on in LFSs and that maybe the hoby would be a better place and more respected if those dealing with such animals were to take measured steps to avoid any unnecercarry cruelety, by picking up on any possible warning signs (such as someone coming into a shop and wanting to buy a large numvber of fish in one go) It is upto such people to "Get the facts straight first." before completing a possibly disasterous transaction.
we are all passionate about our hobby and we acutally care about the wellfare of these aquatic animals, but you have to consider it from a business person's/shop worker's point of view, i mean its like turning down money in their eyes and the fish are to be sold anyways. im assuming that pets at home (petsmart in us) has something to do with this as they are always getting things wrong !

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