Could Someone Please Check My Plan? :)

Could you tell me the name of that website? Tried pming you but then remembered it was taken away from you....

I'd tell you, but I think that counts as advertisement....and I'm already on the mod's #105### list... :S Maybe you can get a mods permission?
Not sure but I guess I could pm yolk or I bet he's on chat.
I found the site myself but for some reason when I used pandas not adolfos it raised my stock level by about 10%
I figured out what I did wrong lol :blush:
I did
2 bolivians
10 harlequins
12 panda corys
4 Molly
2 platy
5 platy fry (1/4 inch)
2 bn
2 cherry barb
And I got
Stocking level 115%
filtration capacity 103%
water change 41% weekly
Filtration is satisfactory for the penguin 350

That stock for my aqueon was:
Filtration capacity 68%
stocking level 115%
Water change 42% weekly
Warning: you NEED to add more filtration capacity
whenever I have used that site, I think of it more as a LOOSE guideline. There are too many variables for it to be completely accurate.
Yeah I know but with the penguin it sounds a HECK of a lot better! Lol.
lol I think you'll like it. I have it on the 46g and have to add a water pump for extra flow for my plants...I think it's going to work great for you. I am currently working on a solution to the whole filter floss standing up problem. I found these...refillable media I thought I could put a thin sponge Inside of the refillable cartridge, and attaching floss on the front to catch particles. Then I could just pull off the old floss and attach new. The cartridge would hold it upright. I keep extra sponges in the filter all the time...there is a lot of room to work with.
Yeah I should be able to fix the problem with all the stuff I have lying around.
Alright still looking for the same stuff but I thunk ongoing to order it all tomorrow.
Just about to order any more opinions suggestions reviews or answers?
Buying a new filter looking at the marineland penguin 350 bio-wheel, but looking for suggestions. If I get that my aqueon 30 200 gph will go to my 10 gallon and my 100 gph aqueon 10 will go to my 8.
Buying a new heater looking at the aqueon pro 150 watt. If I buy that it will go onto my 30 and my aqueon 100 watt to my 10 gallon and my aqueon 50 watt to my 8 gallon. Suggestions and opinions needed.

Tell me your experience with these along with the filters you like :)

I forgot the second half:
If I buy the penguin 350:
Stock it with this since it is almost double filtration:
2 Bolivian rams
12 harlequins and 2 cherry barbs or 6 cherry barbs
4 mollys
2 platys
5 platy fry (for now may be regimes in the future
8-12 corys (not sure which)
2 bristlenose pleco

Instead of what I was going to do with my 200 gph aqueon

2 Bolivian rams
8 harlequins or 4 cherry barbs (decreased because of fry)
4 Molly
2 platy
5 platy fry
6 corys
2 bn or 3 otos
Bump. Decided to do 4 Otis vs 2 bn thanks to people in chat saying it wouldn't be good with 2 bn :good:
Bioload might be too high with them anyways but still looking for people to check my plans they're on the first page or a little up this page :good:

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