Could Someone Please Check My Plan? :)

Man of fish

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Nov 18, 2011
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Buying a new filter looking at the marineland penguin 350 bio-wheel, but looking for suggestions. If I get that my aqueon 30 200 gph will go to my 10 gallon and my 100 gph aqueon 10 will go to my 8.
Buying a new heater looking at the aqueon pro 150 watt. If I buy that it will go onto my 30 and my aqueon 100 watt to my 10 gallon and my aqueon 50 watt to my 8 gallon. Suggestions and opinions needed.

Tell me your experience with these along with the filters you like :)
I forgot the second half:
If I buy the penguin 350:
Stock it with this since it is almost double filtration:
2 Bolivian rams
12 harlequins and 2 cherry barbs or 6 cherry barbs
4 mollys
2 platys
5 platy fry (for now may be regimes in the future
8-12 corys (not sure which)
2 bristlenose pleco

Instead of what I was going to do with my 200 gph aqueon

2 Bolivian rams
8 harlequins or 4 cherry barbs (decreased because of fry)
4 Molly
2 platy
5 platy fry
6 corys
2 bn or 3 otos
Go for the biowheel. Very quiet, efficiant, plus lots of nooks and crannies for extra media. Extra filtration never hurt, although the current might be too much for slow-moving fish. But if you plug it up with media, current shouldn't be an issue. The aqueaon pro should be fine, it has good reviews :good:
Yeah I'm going to stuff soooooo much media in that sucker lol. Ok do you know if I could do the first stock or if I'd have to do the second or a mix?
Yeah I'm going to stuff soooooo much media in that sucker lol. Ok do you know if I could do the first stock or if I'd have to do the second or a mix?

That's what she said :hey:

But seriosuly now, I would go with the first stocking, but instead of BN go for ottos...plecs poop too much in my opinion... :sick:
I never clearly stated it but I did state it was 30 gallons in a way. But it's 30 gallons 32"x13 1/3" x 19" LxWxH

Also I wanted to do the plecs because I wanted to attempt to breed them but not sure if I could.
I never clearly stated it but I did state it was 30 gallons in a way. But it's 30 gallons 32"x13 1/3" x 19" LxWxH

Also I wanted to do the plecs because I wanted to attempt to breed them but not sure if I could so can I?
Could anybody tell me if I could do the desired stock with the penguin 350? Desired stock is:

2 Bolivian rams
12 harlequins and 2 cherry barbs or 6 cherry barbs
4 mollys
2 platys
5 platy fry (for now may be rehomed in the future)
8-12 corys (not sure which)
2 bristlenose pleco
Any reviews, opinions, suggestions, or that's just plain wrongs?
I put your stocking, tank dimensions, and filter into ##151###. This is what it had to say:

2x Bolivian Rams
12x Harlequin Rasboras
8x Cories (I used Adolfo)
4x Molly
2x Platy
2x Bristlenose Plecos

Warning: When Bolivian Ram starts to breed, they may become too aggressive to co-exist with Harlequin Rasbora.
Suggestion: If you want to keep more than 1 Molly, minimum recommend male to female ratio is 1:2 (M:F). You will be less likely to experience problem if you get even more females.
Suggestion: If you want to keep more than 1 Platy, minimum recommend male to female ratio is 1:2 (M:F). You will be less likely to experience problem if you get even more females.
Note: Bristlenose Pleco needs driftwood.
Recommended temperature range: 24 - 25 C. [Display in Farenheit]
Recommended pH range: 7 - 7.2.
Recommended hardness range: 11 - 15 dH.

Warning: You should add more aquarium filtration capacity.

Your aquarium filtration capacity for above selected species is 93%.
Recommended water change schedule: 40% per week.
Your aquarium stocking level is 123%. [Generate Image]
Sounds good to me. :) I usually do 40% w/c weekly anyways, I have driftwood and I don't give a #41#### about the bibians being too aggressive when they breed. :) all checks out as a general guideline thanks.

Also I'd probobly cut the harlequins to 10 and get 10 or 12 corys. I was looking at the albinos, Juliis, sterbais, and pandas.
Could you tell me the name of that website? Tried pming you but then remembered it was taken away from you....

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