Could One Of You Guys Please Tell Me...

The only one i can think is Corydoras sp. "black venezuela" thought to be Corydoras aeneus
Thanks, we went to a LFS near the OH's parents and they had black cories in, just labelled as 'black cories' just wanted to see if there was more than one strain that were black.
Don't get me wrong, I'm useless with corys!

Yes they are stunning, did you happen to see them on a thread on planetcatfish?

If so, look who's fish they are...
planetcatfish is the best when it comes to this sort of thing ;)

The one i saw Franks and then Ian's fish.
Think Ian's are better ;)

***Gotta say that Spent over £30 on his F1 Corydoras aeneus***
"The Blacks" are C. schultzii and were developed by a breeder. There is also a variety of wild Cory that is the Venezuelan that was mentioned. It may be C. aeneus.

I have 5 of Frank's Blacks. :p They are stunning.

I understand that Sp00ky has had them for sale, also. Alex and Carmen have some from him.

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