Could I Keep A Betta With These Fish?


Fish Addict
Apr 11, 2011
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Hi ,i`ve got a 110l tank ,and when it`s fully cycled could i keep a betta with my existing fish,
dwarf gourami 1m,1f,
6 fire green tetra,
8 glowlight tetra,
5 corries,
shrimp, amano and freshwater ,as i`ve fell in love with these fish,lol?
I think it's the Gourami that are not compatible, sure I read that Bettas think they are Bettas and therefore battle them.
As saud uts mainly the Gourami thats the problem, they both occupie the same area of the tank and both are very territorial, the tetras could also cause problems
Hi ,i`ve got a 110l tank ,and when it`s fully cycled could i keep a betta with my existing fish,
dwarf gourami 1m,1f,
6 fire green tetra,
8 glowlight tetra,
5 corries,
shrimp, amano and freshwater ,as i`ve fell in love with these fish,lol?

You may or may not get problems with tetras stressing/nipping the betta, I never did personally.

When I had my first 70l tank I put a dwarf gourami pair in with my betta on the advice of the guy at the LFS that 'we keep them together all the time'. They HATED each other! I ended up rescaping the territories of my tank and that stopped the vicious fighting but they still displayed and nipped at each other quite a bit - in fact their tanks are next to each other now and the betta still flares at the gourami and tries to stare him down through the glass.

Some people get away with it but I personally wouldn't try it again!
Female bettas can be just as aggressive as males in some cases :/ I know they can be kept in sorority groups but I'm not sure how one on her own would react.
Thanks for all advice,in the end i suppose it comes down to the character of the fish from all that i`ve read?
Thanks for all advice,in the end i suppose it comes down to the character of the fish from all that i`ve read?

True. There are "rules" but these are more "guidance" to fit the geenric audience of the site. Its impossible to give 100% accurate advise tailored to everyone, and every fish. You'll see (as i have over the last few weeks) contradictory stories/arguements, but it all comes down to the same thing;

The size and set up of the tank, and its inhabitants...

Think of it like this -

If every set up is "unique", how do your define "normal"......? Simple answer - You cant.
I tend to disagree. Check out the fish in my sig. I have a male Betta in with Danios, Rasboras, 3 Honey Gouramis, some Cardinals, etc.

But all fish are different and your Bettas temperament may be different than mine. I would add the Betta LAST, and if you can add any floating plants, I would HIGHLY advise it. Both Bettas and Gouramis appreciate floating plants, and the pennywort I have floating in mine seem to help the fish establish their own territories. I've never had a single problem with the Betta nipping or anyone nipping at the Betta. Try it and if it doesnt work, take him out.
I tend to disagree. Check out the fish in my sig. I have a male Betta in with Danios, Rasboras, 3 Honey Gouramis, some Cardinals, etc.

But all fish are different and your Bettas temperament may be different than mine. I would add the Betta LAST, and if you can add any floating plants, I would HIGHLY advise it. Both Bettas and Gouramis appreciate floating plants, and the pennywort I have floating in mine seem to help the fish establish their own territories. I've never had a single problem with the Betta nipping or anyone nipping at the Betta. Try it and if it doesnt work, take him out.

If the OP only has one tank, where do you suggest that the OP puts the Betta, if it were to be necessary?

The reason I ask is that I have recently moved my Betta from my main tank, where he was being bullied a bit by a particularly inquisitive Cardinal Tetra, into my second tank - and I thought to myself at the time that it's a good job I have two tanks.

Not everyone suffers from Multiple Tank Syndrome, ya know! :good:
I think the important thing is minimising the risk.

Yes, a betta in with gouramis and tetras might work, but what if it doesn't? If that happens, then you end up with injured/traumatised or even dead fish.

Is it worth the risk, or is it better to keep fish we know to be safe in each other's company? Even then you get enough trouble with the odd 'rogue' fish who doesn't behave as it's meant to.

We can't all keep all the fish we want in our tanks; you have, at some point, to learn to be happy with what you've got or what is suitable.

Remember that we only look at our tanks; the poor fish have to live in there their entire lives; what's best for them has to be more important than what we want, even if that means tanks that are 'boring' or 'gross' or whatever, or else what's the point?
Otherwise, you might just as well stick a betta in with your mbuna, let it be ripped apart and buy a new one every week, if that's going to be the way you look at things.
Not everyone suffers from Multiple Tank Syndrome, ya know! :good:

Agreed :D I have no beef with anyone trying to combine whatever fish they want - as everyone else has said, some DO get along just fine.
But I do think it's unfair to make fish 'deal with it' if they DO fight, hence why my betta now has his own tank and I get merciless ribbing off my other half for 'spending all that money on your useless £2 fish, supposed to be a fighting fish, can't even defend itself" :D

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