Could I Have Saved My Serpae Tetra?


New Member
Oct 25, 2010
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Just lost a tetra in my 260ltr community tank. It had 7 other tetra friends, 3 small silver sharks, 2 dwarf gourami, 1 golden gourami and 3 platys sharing it's planted tank.

Wife first noticed it was suffering about two weeks ago with one eye very swollen. Got worse to the point the eye covering seemed about to detatch and other eye starting to show signs before it died. As all other fish look fine and have never had any detectable nitrite or chlorine in my water tests i'd assumed it a fighting injury and would hopefully heal itself.

Tank is coming up to 3 months old and not had any other issues. 30 ltr water change weekly and following juwel's filter clean schedule. Nitrate usually between 25 and 50 mg / ltr and tap water is about 25. Plants starting to take over tank and need a good prune.

Anything i should look out for or could have done?
Yeah that's what I thought. With the water quality looking ok I was hoping nature might fix it but no such luck. I don't have a tank I could have quarentined it in so couldn't decide what to do.
If you post this in the 'emergency' sections, you might get more help :)

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