Could I Add A Convict?


Fish Fanatic
Dec 16, 2010
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i have a 200 litre tank with 2 yoyo loaches 2 bolivian rams 1 golden ram 1 blue acara and 6 tiger barbs and was wondering would one convict cichlid go with these?
No i would not risk it with the dwarf cichlids, convicts are quite aggressive with there size.
ive been looking at a gold severum too they seem less aggressive but not sure if my tank is big enough
Personally, I think the tank is too small for a Severum, would need 75g minimum imo. Although the footprint of the tank is what's most important imo.

Convicts can be mean, pound for pound, one of the toughest cichlids out there.
With the stocking you have i'd stay away from convicts as they are belligerent little gits!!!

Your tank is a little small for an adult gold severum. You could get away with a rotekil?

Have you thought about other cichlids such as rainbows or elliotis?
Rotkeil sevs are nice and don't get as big.

Back to the convicts,.I have a pair of Honduran Red Points that frequently lay eggs and guard them with no problems what so ever. They have the odd chase but nothing too aggressive. If you get one of these, then get a female as she is more intensely coloured. They stay a bit smaller too than straight convicts.

Rainbows are very colourful and don't get too big also. Ellioti is also another option, I have an absolutely stunning male in my tank, but he is very bossy.
Rotkeil sevs are nice and don't get as big.

Back to the convicts,.I have a pair of Honduran Red Points that frequently lay eggs and guard them with no problems what do ever. They have the odd Chase but nothing too aggressive. If you get one of these, then get a female as she is more intensely coloured. They stay a bot smaller too than straight convicts.

Rainbows are very colourful and don't get too big also. Ellioti is also another option, I have an absolutely stunning male in my tank, but he is very bossy.

I wonder who you are talking about :lol:
Back to the point, agree defo no to a Convict. Even Eliotti have their moments, esp when breeding. Stay with the smaller cichlids.
i decided to get a gold severum after reading on the net that quite a few people keep them in 200 litres but now after reading these replies im not to sure. My tank is 100x40x55 if that helps
I agree with all above to be fair. The HRP would be perfect they are a great alternative, equally their other relatives like Sajica, Cutteri and Nanoleutus would all work.

With Severums I have a rule of minimum 75g for Golds/Greens/Red Spots etc and 55g for Rotkiels and true Severus. Gold/Green Severums often get 10 inches long and in a 55 it does not give much turning room where as most 75 gallons have a 20 inch footprint which is going to let them turn more freely than just on the spot. But so far as your gold is concerned the 55 would be a good home for him/her for a short while but common Severums (Heros Efasticious) grow pretty quick I have a young pair of Heros sp.Belem and they have gone from around an inch each to three inches in maybe 2 months, the male is probably over 3 inches now.

So far as compatibility though a Severum would fit nice with your group as it is :) But I would be tempted to swap the Gold for a Rotkiel :)

I agree with all above to be fair. The HRP would be perfect they are a great alternative, equally their other relatives like Sajica, Cutteri and Nanoleutus would all work.

With Severums I have a rule of minimum 75g for Golds/Greens/Red Spots etc and 55g for Rotkiels and true Severus. Gold/Green Severums often get 10 inches long and in a 55 it does not give much turning room where as most 75 gallons have a 20 inch footprint which is going to let them turn more freely than just on the spot. But so far as your gold is concerned the 55 would be a good home for him/her for a short while but common Severums (Heros Efasticious) grow pretty quick I have a young pair of Heros sp.Belem and they have gone from around an inch each to three inches in maybe 2 months, the male is probably over 3 inches now.

So far as compatibility though a Severum would fit nice with your group as it is :) But I would be tempted to swap the Gold for a Rotkiel :)


I wont be able to swap it for a rotkiel they dont have them. So you think it would be best if i took it back?
If you have chance to get a bigger tank in the future then i wouldkeep him/her. If not then probably best to take him back.

Another relative of the convict you could consider is a Jade Eyed Cichlid. I have a couple of Juvi's and these have grown well. Reaching the 3" mark now and are great to watch. Sajicas as mentioned are also worth while considering. The pair that 'twodoctors' was seling were beautiful!

The HRP's get my vote though still. They're some of my best fish and wouldn't change them for the world. The male is currently displaying peachy coloured fins which is such a contrast to the blue. Mine are really well behaved too which is a bonus. :D
does anyone know if a firemouth would go well instead of the severum?

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