Could a betta go in this tank?

Nuttygal! :0)

Dec 22, 2004
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There! ;0)
I've seen a real pretty betta down at my LFS and I was wondering if I could put him in my 10gal tank with six neons?... :dunno:
Oh, and there's going to be a few pigmy cories in there too. :D
Im afraid that the neons will nip at the betta's fins until death :(
Doh! :X I'll have to pass him up then!
:shifty:'s another excuse to buy another tank, even if it is only a small one! I already have 5 tanks in my bedroom, but only 2 are betta tanks! :hey:
I kept my betta in with neon tetras for over a year, until he passed away (not from finrot). They never nipped his fins as my betta would snap at them until they swam away.

It really depends on the betta though. Im currently keeping my betta in with 4 diamond tetras. They're perfectly fine.
If the betta was snapping at them til they swam away, I'd have to think that was stressful for both parties involved.

I still would never put a male betta in with anything, ever.
i've had my male bettas in with cardinals, rummy noses & glow lights and none of them has ever bothered any of my bettas. but i would guess it depends upon the individual situation, as fish personalities can vary just like ours can :p
I think the bottom line with bettas you're ALWAYS taking a risk when you keep them with other fish. Because bettas' personalities vary so much, you never know how they'll react to other fish -- and you can never be 100% sure how the other fish will react either. It's good to ask questions, but you'll find that everyone has had varying experiences. So in the end, it comes down to -- are you willing to see your betta POSSIBLY get his fins nipped, be stressed, etc. If you're willing to take that CHANCE, then try it. (And try it when you'll be home to keep checking on them frequently! :))

Personally, I'm a bit obsessive with my bettas (heehee) and I would never want anything to happen to any of them, so I'm not even willing to try putting them with other fish. The only other critter I've ever put in a betta tank is an apple snail. I would MAYBE try corries if I had bigger tank, but that would be the only thing I'd be willing to take the chance with. ;)
My betta was in a 29 gallon with neons and they never bothered each other. I suppose because it was a larger tank and there were a lot of live plants and hiding spaces. :nod: I wouldn't risk putting the betta with the neons though. I would just buy a cheap 5 gallon set-up and put him in that. :nod: I am thinking about getting one for my now empty dresser. It just seems right for a betta. :wub:
I had a male betta in with a female blue gourami (2 1/2-3"). The male betta hid in the corner, and when the gourami went to take a look at the new comer, he flared his very large fins and she turn tail and ran to the other side of tank, He didn't even have to move. LOL. Of course my betta is a real fighter. You should see him when he see's my other betta. He is one of the biggest I have seen. He flares every part of his body. LOL. All depends on how tough your betta is.
Wow thanks so much for all your posts guys! :D
I think I'll leave it - I don't want to buy a betta from the shop and then the poor thing gets it fins ripped up! I think I'll leave him there! Unless I do see another nice tank..... :lol:
BettaMomma said:
Raechal, you have an open spot for a tank?
What the heck are you waiting for?? :p
Yea. My dressed is half empty on the top so I am thinking about getting a 5 gallon or something for a betta. :p
I just set up my Eclipse Hex 5 gallon today.
Got natural looking rocks with something like this (but just a single palm tree instead) for the middle:


He's still in his old tank but he's staring longingly over at the new one.

BettaMomma said:
I just set up my Eclipse Hex 5 gallon today.
Got natural looking rocks with something like this (but just a single palm tree instead) for the middle:


He's still in his old tank but he's staring longingly over at the new one.

I'll bet he'll love his new tank! :lol:

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