Costarican Terror!


New Member
Dec 21, 2006
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New Zealand
I woke up this morning to find my jag & convict have laid eggs!
pretty sure my female jag has laid them and he (kitty the convict) was fertilizing them this morning.

courting and showing off has been going on for a few months now but never really thought much of it but last nyt i sed to the missis im sure she wants to breed then this morning there were about 250-300 eggs.

nothing will cum off them maby but id like to raise a few of these lil buggers so any tips to start up this "Costarican terror" spawn please advise as i know this is somthing not to miss!!!!!


just gotta upload them will do today
Well im not so sure who "mom" is and who "dad" is???

here is a photo of their bell


not fertile as yet but good to see that they are trying it tho. ive only breed jewel cichlids and Bettas so any help to keep the eggs healthy and stuff would be ORsome!

the convict's top fin is long at the top like the typical Male Cichlid but i dunno?
looks like the convict is the mom lol
female convict sides are always orange.
the eggs looks like there doing ok for now.
they do look fertile but keep me updated!!
wonderful spawn :good:
Awsome, the convict is the mom and they eggs are fertile or they would be white. Lots of eggs. I hope they hatch.
this is a good news bad news situation

the eggs at the bottom are fine but the eggs closer to the edges are white, maybe he missed them?

but also i think theyre rotting and my convict hasnt removed them can i do it or will they dissown them?

ive only bred by accident really so anything will help.

i also saw an awesome video of a texas jag on you tube last nyt strange thing! brutal tho
this is a good news bad news situation

the eggs at the bottom are fine but the eggs closer to the edges are white, maybe he missed them?

but also i think theyre rotting and my convict hasnt removed them can i do it or will they dissown them?

ive only bred by accident really so anything will help.

i also saw an awesome video of a texas jag on you tube last nyt strange thing! brutal tho

u can remove the rotten eggs with a medicine dropper
Another spawn 2 weeks later!, so they are at it again BUT, this time she laid the eggs in a pointless spot where my jag could definitely NOT fit!!! DUH?? so theyre all white... stupid convict :$
nothing cum of them they were fertile but my tank is really dirty (i know!, report me to the SPCA) so im going to set them up in their own tank to spawn. they spawned again also looks like a 2week cycle?
so those eggs are gone but she laid MORE EGGS!! much more!, she only laid about 50 but i dont think he liked them were they were and shes laid eggs in another spot i got it on video of her laying the eggs possibly more around 300 eggs this time i took a photo also


So no problems laying the eggs but keeping them past the 4th day has not happened yet. c how it goes a...

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