Cost Of Ro Water And Salt?


Fish Herder
Apr 16, 2008
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United Kingdom
Hey, i am hoping to set up a marine tank early next year. I was just wondering the normal price of RO water and salt, or salted RO water.

ummm not sure how much they charge now. Personally though I would recommend buying an RO unit £40 for a cheap one £80 for a top end one) and a 25KG bucket of salt (about £50). Then unless you have a massive tank you should be good to go for at least a year. It works out cheaper this way too (especially if you add in fuel costs for going to the LFS and just the pure PITA it is having to lug heavy containers of water around).
What does the RO unit do? convert normal water to RO water?

I know its reverse osmosis, and i sort of learnt about osmosis in biology 2 years ago. not sure what the machine would do though :)

What does the RO unit do? convert normal water to RO water?

I know its reverse osmosis, and i sort of learnt about osmosis in biology 2 years ago. not sure what the machine would do though :)


Yes it does :good: have a look at this link

My LFS charges 15p a litre I normally buy 25L a week. But mine is 3 minutes down the road from me so not much petrol cost :D but think you can get it at 10p a litre just depends on your LFS
oh well i could store up to 100 litres.. my bedroom is big :D

gonna go at the weekend to marine shop (20 miles away!!)

my favourite fish shop is closing after Christmas:(

Oh yeah, and how much water would i get through in a week? the tank is 30G / 125L

Depends on the set-up. Some reefers advocate the same waterchanges as in freshwater tanks, others advocate avoiding waterchanges unless required. Pesonaly I do 20% fortnightly on mine, and on that regiem you would need 12.5l a week ;)

On a side note, if you store RO for any length of time, you need to keep it moving with an airstone or small pump or it may stagnate :good:

All the best
oh ok then lol, damn. i have an air pump and stuff but its quite loud :unsure:

but if its 12.5L a week or even 25L a week, then it doesnt matter :p

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