
Well i must be a really bad fish keeper, cos i've 70 ish corys in a 4 footer (55 gals) - naughty me!!! not enough floor space i hear peeps cry....

Saying that i have 2 big externals and they have a large w/c & sand clean without fail every week... and how many have i lost in the 3 yrs i've been keeping them that is a massive total of 3!!!

Although i wouldn't recommend it unless you have good maintainance & filtration

I forgot to say - welcome to the cory club jakey :good: :lol:
Them gold laser corys appeal to me the most. O.O But I doubt they'd be good for a 20 gal. I don't have massive filtration, just a 300L/h internal.
Well i must be a really bad fish keeper, cos i've 70 ish corys in a 4 footer (55 gals) - naughty me!!! not enough floor space i hear peeps cry....

Saying that i have 2 big externals and they have a large w/c & sand clean without fail every week... and how many have i lost in the 3 yrs i've been keeping them that is a massive total of 3!!!

Although i wouldn't recommend keeping that many unless you have good maintainance & filtration

I forgot to say - welcome to the cory club jakey :good: :lol:

Well that makes me feel better about having 20ish in a 4fter with only shrimp and 1 male fighter, and 7 (or is it up to nine?) Borneo suckers as tank companions. The tank is fairly well planted and has good filteration and gets water changes weekly as well. I think the last cory I lost was one of my oldest females that was getting close to 10 years old if not a tad older.
And welcome to the Cory Fan Club (CFC), next fan club to meet is the Loach Club :lol: .
i wasnt a cory fan and never intended of having any but i bought some shrimp and the guy said do you want these thrown in as we are moving and they will be flushed as they wernt taking the tank, so i aquired 2 bronze cories and a siamese algae eater, i am now converted i have had them several weeks now and love them, i even bought a bigger tank so i can buy more :rolleyes:
CFC Doesn't matter how you get them but they are addictive :lol: .
i have 2 bronze corys at the minute. seeing as you all now so much about corys maybe you can answer my question 1) at what age do corys become sexually mature and 2) how can you tell their age? im not sure how juvenille my corys are. my pair were showing the signs of mating but i dont no what sex they are please help
Hi micknat I'll try to answer your question the best I can. I can only go by my own cories as I'm no expert. My peppered have bred already and they are about 8mths-1 year old (bearing in mind we don't know exactly how old they are when we buy them) My bronzes vary in ages from 6 month(ish) upto a year+. They are yet to breed for me despite showing spawning symptoms on a daily basis.

Regarding sexing them - it's incredibly difficult when they are young. Once they are fully grown you can generally see that the female is more rounded and generally bigger than a male. The males tend to be slim and sleek and smaller in general.

Beyond that there's not much more I can tell you other than you need to increase their numbers if you can. They are much happier in a little group. I would say 4 minimum but 6 is a very good number to have - and that 6 must be of all the same species
thanks akasha, so i should just wait? i am planning on getting a couple more but i have neons and black neons and i want to complete the schools. i also planning on getting endlers, harlequins and cherry barbs or pearl danios
Sorry, I'm not good at sexing or aging Corys but I am a big fan of them. I figure if they're biggish for their particular species, then it's probably a female and it's probably getting up there in age. I got mine when they were smaller than their adult size so it easier.

I have 8 Trilineatus Corys in a 20 gallon and they get along fine with themselves & their tank mates. Well except for the Bristlenose, she bosses them around sometimes.

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