

Fish Fanatic
Nov 10, 2002
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hello, my 15 gal: 8 cardinal, 6 rummy, 1 pengiun tetra, 2 blue rams, all those fish arent at full size... is it overstocked? i want to get 2 corys to combat the tank pollution, so would the corys eat wastes from other fish? would they eat their own wastes? so if i get 2 corys for my tank, would it be still overstocked since the corys will eat all the wastes? would it make the tank less overstocked? less waste?
No fish will eat fish waste, and yes the tank is slightly overstocked, unless u have a really good filter and do regular water changes :)
cories eat food, not waste they will scavenge for food only on the bottom i take when u said waste u meant the waste from fish and not food waste. If so then no....15gal ummmm dont know how big blue rams get ( stix beat me to the overstocking comment lol) nope just because you get rid of waste like a filter does it not mean less stock it the fish size that determines the fish stocking levels they need so many cubic inches/ square inches per inch of the size of fish i think it is.....(anyone!)
10 square inch of surface area per 1" of adult fish!

As i dont know the exact tank dimensions, my comment was just a rought idea :)
15gal about 24x15x12 iam guessing where the chart william had lol!
YUK ! I do not think there are poop eating fish... LOLOL Alot of hobbiest make that mistake though. Sometimes plecos are also mistaken for doo, doo, eaters.

:-( -_- :blink:

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