I keep corys and cherry shrimp together and the shrimp just keep breeding.
So far I have kept cherry shrimp with Peppered Corydoras, Strebia corydoras, false Julii, Emerald (Brochis splendens), dwarf corys, and another type I am not 100% sure of the name but another corydoras.
I also keep Borneo suckers with cherry shrimp, Pakastani loaches, dwarf chain loaches and khuli loaches. So far the loaches have always shown more interest in prepared foods and live snails over snacking on the shrimp. I have also found guppies, endlers, bristlenose catfish and some tetra species to be mostly shrimp safe. Siamese fighting fish can be no problem with shrimp,or they can have a field day hunting down and eating all the shrimp, it all depends on the individual fish. So far it also seems that Harvey Creek Blue eyes are also pretty shrimp safe too.
The three main culprits I have found so far for scoffing cherry shrimp has been my goldfish (hardly surprising), empire gudgeons, and sparkling gouramis.