Corys Spawning! Need Help! Eek!


Fish Addict
Nov 4, 2009
Reaction score
west midlands,uk
my bronze corys are spawning like mad, i have 2 lots of eggs at the moment, the biggest being around the top of my heater.


i have setup a fry tank, 60x 30x30, and filled it with 6 inches of tank water, ive added a heater and some airstones. i managed to get around 20 eggs onto a piece of filter foam. is this the correct method? its my first batch of eggs and it took my completley by suprise!

many thanks in advance


my peppered corys are now spawning too!
you need it set up so there is water flow constantly over the eggs, but not too strong. this will help prevent fungus all being well. within a day the eggs should go a beige/creamy colour which means the eggs are fertile, you should also see a small black dot in the middle. within 3-5 days the eggs should hatch and the free swimming fry will be left. they will not need feeding for about 3 days as they hatch with an egg sack which you will see, after the sack has gone they will need feeding 2-4 times a day. remove any empty egg cases or white eggs to also help prevent fungus growing on the eggs, fungus loks like a furry white cotton wool stuck to the eggs.
daily water changes of about 50% and remove any uneaten food from the tank to try and keep the water at its best. a thin layer of sand stops the build up of bacteria on the bottom of the tank as you can swish it from time to time. the bacteria may harm/cause infections in the corys as they will be 99% of the time on the tank bottom causing deaths in the group.
within a week you should see a noticable difference and a month they will look just like tiny corys. keep up with the water changes and regular feeding but try not to overfeed to keep the water free from decaying food and leave it down to the survival of the fittest.

i dont think ive missed anything so good luck and keep us posted on the progress :good:

i also have found that for the first week i get a better survival rate by doing water changes using water from the parents tank, not sure if this is chance or fact but it works for me :good:

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