They first spawned 3 weeks ago today(4days after w/c) came home from work to find 40-50 eggs all about the glass ran about house like tigger on speed trying to find something to take them out of the tank! they all hatched on the sunday morning .One of the coolest things i've ever seen lol . We counted 37 in total....Then discovered a fully fledged dragon/damsel fly in the tank bf culled it after wee discovered it eats fry ...Now we have 2 little peppered cories left
Done my w/c on saturday and now 4 days later ....Woke up this morning doing usual patrol of the tank see my trio of peppered doing lil dances all about the tank.... Look closer and see more eggs!!!!
Now my questions lol
Will the 3week old fry eat the new ones once they hatch?
Should my old ones still be eating Liquifry? I do put in half an algae wafer every 2/3days
Will my cories always spawn 4days after a water change?
On average how many eggs will they lay each spawn?
hi congrats on the spawn, i doubt very much if 3 week old fry will eat newly hatched.... i have 4-6 week ols fry in same tank as the newley hatched with not trouble wotsoever
your older fry will still use the liquifry but you should be starting to give them a little more of a varied diet mine have decap brine, finely crushed tetra prima and microworm, algae wafers wont do much for the growth to be honest as i said high protein foods while they are still young is far better.
how many eggs are laid depends just on size of cory my sterbai lay anythink from 60-150 per batch but usually in the 100 mark,i think peppered corys stay much smaller than sterbai so i wouldnt expect them to lay as many but i would estimate at least 50 eggs batch
no your cory's wont always spawn 4 days after a water change sometimes a water change isnt even nessersary to get them to spawn well IME mine have spawn whenever they felt like it lol
i did think it was a bit weird for them to spawn 4 days after each one !lol
So if i fed them grated frozen bbs or bloodworm? or dried bbs or bloodworm would that be ok along with crushed flake? Just alternate which day i give them
This is a first for me lol used to the guppy's and just having to catch them lol trying to get the eggs off the glass while the rest of the fish are having nibbles on my hand is a mission itself lol
Feeding the parents on meaty foods helps the female develop more eggs, so if you hope to raise more fry, feed them well.
You can't make the corys spawn but if conditions are right, and the female has eggs, they often will. They do seem to prefer doing it after water changes especially if the water is a little on the cool side.
Peppered corys don't usually make very big spawns, compared to some of the other corys, but they might spawn more frequently.
If you keep them with the older batch, it's going to be very important to keep up with the water changes.
Their at it again !! lol Actually sat and watched them this time female getting chased by the 2 males one of the males hovering above her shakin like mad then she got him in the corner and sorta stuck her head into his underside and it was like he played dead she came away and theres a wee cluster of eggs on her fin underneath!!!
Took out 10 or so already so now have 25 ish eggs including the spawn from the other day