Cool, thanks for the info.
I havent seen eggs like that one my glass, however the one cpry I thought was preggo must of been, she doesnt have that big bulde anymore.
I was wondering if I could pet her in a breeding trap next time to save the eggs?
I have 3 albino cory's(not sure of the name, I think they are bronze cory's), 2 peppers, 2 ambiacus, 2 panda's, 2 bronze, a swartz, a delphax, an agassizii, and one huge one, I cant remember the name either, but its about 3 inches long and quite a bit thicker than the other ones I have.
I really want to get a leopard cory, I seen one awhile back at our LPS, but decided not to buy it and now wish I had.
BTW, all the above cory's are in pairs or more in several tanks.