cory's pregnant


Apr 10, 2005
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Ontario, Canada
I've noticed for awhile now that one of my albino cory's is very "large".
I have no idea how to sex cory's, let alone tell if one is preggo.
Anyone know the answers to these two questions?
Female cories are much broader and longer than males. Cories lay eggs, and when the female gets ready to lay them she will get a "gravid" looking mark on her stomach. My females always do this before breeding. Hope this helps!

Hi superjalami30 :)

If you have several corys of the same age, chances are the bigger one is a female. If they are mature, your first indication that they are ready to spawn might just be eggs on the glass sides of the tank. It is especially likely to happen within a few days of a good water change, especially if the water is a little cooler than normal. The eggs will look like this:

Once they begin, there is an excellent chance they will do it again soon, especially if you condition them with lots of good live or frozen worms. If you do see eggs like this, even though there might be fewer of them at an early spawning, you can either remove them to a tank of their own, or wait and encourage them to spawn in a tank you have set up for just that purpose.

I have never observed any kind of gravid spot on my corys before spawning.

BTW, what kind of corys do you have? :unsure:
Cool, thanks for the info.
I havent seen eggs like that one my glass, however the one cpry I thought was preggo must of been, she doesnt have that big bulde anymore.
I was wondering if I could pet her in a breeding trap next time to save the eggs?

I have 3 albino cory's(not sure of the name, I think they are bronze cory's), 2 peppers, 2 ambiacus, 2 panda's, 2 bronze, a swartz, a delphax, an agassizii, and one huge one, I cant remember the name either, but its about 3 inches long and quite a bit thicker than the other ones I have.
I really want to get a leopard cory, I seen one awhile back at our LPS, but decided not to buy it and now wish I had.

BTW, all the above cory's are in pairs or more in several tanks.

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