Corys Over Stocking My Tank?

I'm finding that these sensitive fish like pandas are really sensitive to water quality. If you add to that the stress associated with insecurity or whatever, it's a recipe for loss. I am always doing some stupid thing that the fish pay for.

I tried putting a nylon over a filter intake to protect the Betta's fins. The next morning the tank was cloudy. It took me awhile to figure it out. Meantime I lost a cory. :-( They just come up to the front and look at me: "What are you doing?" they ask.

yeah i didnt know how sensitive they were until i found this site. the LFS didnt warn me at all. they were fine until i added the third and then it went off the deep end
I always did have fun listening to the LFS people telling me what to do when I know its wrong. They always make you feel bad like when I was at the LFS trying to stock up my 10 gallon they said that I couldnt fit 8 tetras ALONE! They were saying that they would grow up to be 3 inches & there only neons. Then they dont let you bye them, then it gets to the point where I have to lie to get fish. I say that I have another 20 gallon that im going to put them in *sigh* But all for a good cause... :D

-Arrowhead :ninja:

um, arrowhead, are you SURE those were neons and not cardinal tetras, which get much larger? sounds to me like your LFS isn't doing you any harm. better under than overstocked, especially in any tank under 30g.
They may have been taking into account the possibility of new tank syndrom, too, Arrowhead. Most of us would be pleased to see a lfs refuse a sale for the fish's benefit. Very unusual.

I was disappointed that my lfs didn't point out that pandas are sensitive when I got them. I do have a good lfs, tho. I can't imagine them telling me to only have three cories, because the fourth would be left out. I have read that about some schoaling fish though--certain species of Tetras. The lfs guy at cluelesses place was probably confused :/
Hi CluelessScot :)

You can rest assured that corys like to be in big schools, the bigger the better! :thumbs:

For that matter, I never saw a cory that didn't get along fine with any other cory in a tank, no matter what species they are. And, I never saw them exclude another of their species, although if one is weak or something else is wrong, it might stay by itself much of the time and be more quiet than the others.

BTW, how are your big corys adjusting to your tank? :unsure:

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