Cory's Only?

50% is top amount. I do it in 2 changes. Like i take 25%, refill, then take out 25% again and refill.

For a 15 gallon, i think you could have 6 or 7 corys tops.

I have five at the moment so that would mean 2 more....aaahh....would love so many more ;)

You could get 6 of a species of corydoras (possible more, but im not sure how much) I dont recommend Panda Corys because they are sensitive, and just not a good beginner cory. basically all cories are the same though, take good care of them and they will be your favorite fish.

They do need to be in shoals though, 4 or more, preferably 6 or more

Do they have to be all of the same species or will different species shoal together??
Panda's are lovely though aren't they :(
I just looked at closely at the corys that you have, and they are pretty costly and rare!

It is better to have a shoal of corys to be their own kind

you seem to be a very good fishkeeper, so i guess if you kept it up and read alot about Panda Corys, you could take care of them!
I just looked at closely at the corys that you have, and they are pretty costly and rare!

It is better to have a shoal of corys to be their own kind

To be honest it wasn't supposed to be like that....I bought one Panda and one Sterbas to start off with as I wanted to see how they would relate to the other fish in the tank I had taken over and was planning to get more once I was sure they had settled in......when I returned to the shop they had no Sterbas left so I went for another Panda and something else still not sure exactly what he is I usually say Sterbas but I am sure he is different - he is still small though....he looks just like the Sterbas except he is lighter and just his tail is black?? Further on down the line....I had two Beunos Aries Tetra (original fish of tank) who became territorial and started nipping the Cory's fins and they were very big for the tank so I had to give them to the shop owner and he gave me two Shwartz Cory's in return....and here we what should I do then.....I can't get four of each as that would be too many in my tank correct? :)
you should pick out a cory you like the most, and get 6 of them. Give away the rest.

if you had a bigger tank, i guess you could get all of them.

Good Luck, i will be getting either a 20 gallon long or 30 gallon tank soon, and i will be a happy owner of 6 Corydoras Trilineatus! (and some other fish)

also, you could get plenty of different kinds of dwarf corydoras, they only get one inch. but i prefer the "regular" corydoras more.
Well, youre lucky to have the sterbai, they're beautiful. IMO, they're the nicest looking cory, unfortunately, i only have one and they cost a lot. So you say you want 4 schwartzi, 4 panda, and 4 sterbai? If so, thats too many. Other cory species wil get along, and possibly play and shoal together, but maybe not. Some do and some dont. Personally, mine do sometimes but they do like to be with their own species.
you should pick out a cory you like the most, and get 6 of them. Give away the rest.

if you had a bigger tank, i guess you could get all of them.

Good Luck, i will be getting either a 20 gallon long or 30 gallon tank soon, and i will be a happy owner of 6 Corydoras Trilineatus! (and some other fish)

Good luck and enjoy! :)
Have another quick question not sure if you can help or not but will ask anyway? :)
My Cory's seem to be pinkish/red around the gills is this normal?
I'm not sure about fish problems, but i am googling it now.

But if your cories are sick (pray to god they're not) do not to a salt bath!
Well, youre lucky to have the sterbai, they're beautiful. IMO, they're the nicest looking cory, unfortunately, i only have one and they cost a lot. So you say you want 4 schwartzi, 4 panda, and 4 sterbai? If so, thats too many. Other cory species wil get along, and possibly play and shoal together, but maybe not. Some do and some dont. Personally, mine do sometimes but they do like to be with their own species.

I know...I love my little Sterbai...but he is the one that is sick so desperate to save him :( I like the Panda too.....but I have also fallen in love with my new Shwartzi's so very undecided....?? :blink:
ok, what i have read so far says that your corys could be stressed. this could be because you have too few of them, or you just put them in, or your tetra is causing problems
I know...I love my little Sterbai...but he is the one that is sick so desperate to save him I like the Panda too.....but I have also fallen in love with my new Shwartzi's so very undecided....??

If you got a bigger tank (say 30 gallons, maybe more) you could fit them in, but beware, i might not be exactly on the spot with the tank size thing
stress doesnt cause red/pink gills. I say its gill flukes, in which you should start treatment soon.
salt baths are good for other fish, but it really irritates corys gills (dont ask me how) and causes much stress and could kill them.

stress doesnt cause red/pink gills. I say its gill flukes, in which you should start treatment soon.

Oh, okay, cause i just googled it and that's what i came up with.

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