Corys! My New Guys and A Quick Question!


I am the Loach Queen...fear me, mortal!
Apr 27, 2004
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Wisconsin: The Land of Cheese and Cows
Ok, so I went into my favorite lfs today and they had a sale on Corys...99 cents a piece! :hyper: So I picked up the last 3 they had. I am now the proud fish mommy of 3 tiny baby Skunk Corys! :wub: :wub: They are absolutely adorable little things, and so playful.

Since my camera is broken, I found this picture on the internet, so no the pic ain't mine...I stole it. :whistle:

Aren't they just the cutest little things!?!?! :wub: :wub:

Ok, so on to my question. I've been seriously getting into Corys lately and since I already have 6 adorable species, I want to find some more. And this one happens to be one of my favorites at the moment...Corydoras Sychri. Does anyone know of a good reputable place to get these little guys?

Here's a picture of one:

Cute aren't they? :wub: :wub:
I love your growing cory collection! Wish their was more variety around here when it comes to corys.
Hi Arashi :)

The skunk corys are great and I'm sure you will enjoy them. :thumbs:

As for the Sychri, they are just beautiful! :wub: There's another one to add to my want list. :S

I can't find any of the mail order houses on my favorites list having any for sale, but I did find one with an outdated website that did list them. Perhaps they still do. It might be worth your while to send them an email to inquire. They have it misspelled as Corydoras sichry, but I think it's the same fish. Here's the link:

Good luck! I hope you find them. :D
I emailed them a few weeks ago about some L-168's (none in stock at current) but they are getting their site updated slowly. Probably they aren't in stock as their F0's but it's worth a try anyways to see.
LadyMinion - Actually, usually there isn't much for Corys around here, except for the Albino and Bronze aeneus species. But my one lfs has been getting in more and more different kinds...I think it was because I asked them too. I kinda begged them one day, and I think they listened to me. :*) :*) :thumbs:

Inchworm - I am loving these little Skunk Corys. :wub: I hope my lfs gets more in, because I want at least a few more. They are just the most adorable little things. :wub: And they are getting the 3 Otos that are in the tank to play along with them. It's quite a sight to see 3 little Corys playing up and down a tank wall, but it's so much different when there are Otos doing it right alongside them! :lol:

The Sychri are simply gorgeous! :wub: Thanks much for the site. :thumbs: It is a bit outdated, but I'm going to send them an e-mail and ask if they can also possibly send me a better picture of the little guys. The picture looks like the right fish, but I want to be sure. If they are the Sychri, I am getting at least 8 and I am going to try my hand at breeding them. Then I'll send some to you Inchworm. ;) :D

Teelie - Thanks for the update on the site. :thumbs: I'm still going to e-mail them and see if they will eventually be getting more, or if they have them, in stock.

For the meantime, here's another few pics I found of know, so we can dream some more. :rolleyes: :wub: They really are something. :wub:


I've never seen C. Sychri before, they're lovely! Another cory for the cory wishlist :lol:

You should have a look for some C. Panda arashi, they are just the funniest little things. :wub:
Wow, those ARE cute!! I have some skunk cories and they are cute :) My biggest skunk was one of my very first tank inhabitants!

Yeah, you should definitely get some pandas if you don't have them already. Pictures (and even lfs tanks) just don't do these guys justice. I didn't really "get" how into them everyone was til I got my guys home :wub:
I would love to have some Pandas. They really are quite adorable. :wub: The only problem is that the only lfs that sells them even remotely close to my area, sells them for almost $9.00 a fish. :blink: I really don't have that kind of money right now. And I'd do mail order, but I work every day, and so wouldn't be home to pick the little guys up. :/

Someday...someday Pandas will be mine. :fun: :wub: :D
Wow, I got my pandas for $2.99 ea! I'd send ya some if you'd be home :p Actually, it might be a moot point b/c they've only had skunks, peppereds and bronze/albino cories the last few times I've been in there!

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