corys in a 5gl


Fish Crazy
Aug 23, 2004
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is it possable to have 3 or so corys in a 5gl (panda corys that is) with a one betta and 3 zebra danios..i might get 3 more danios as well cause i think they need a biger school...

i was just wondering cause i would like something on the bottom of my tank and i think corys are so cute but i dont want to over stock.

i do a 20% water change everyweek plus vac the very fine gravel

would it be possable?
I'd say that's a definite no if you add more danios. They're messy fish and a 5 gallon is really too small for them. If you moved them and just had a betta you could probably have the cories though. :thumbs:
Defiantly no corys in a 5gal. i wouldnt even keep danios in there either because they are fast swimming fish and need lots of swimming room.
I'd say no danios, IMO, they need at least a 20g because they are such active swimmers.

I don't see a problem with three pandas and a betta.

Be sure you have very small gravel or sand for the cories, and little to zero filter currant for your betta. :thumbs:
I wouldnt do it myself -_- but i think it could work. NO danios though. They nip fins when kept in small groups, they need to be kept in groups of 6 minimum, and need far more swimming space than a 5g tank.

maybe a better choice for bottom-dwellers for your tank would be frogs or shrimp?
3-5 cories in a 5 would be okay but they couldn't be in there with anything more than perhaps a betta or snails and shrimp. Definitely not the danios.
Hi candy,

Panda corys are delicate little fish who definitely benefit from being kept in as large a school as you can accommodate in your tank. Since danios are not a good fish to keep in that size tank, I would recommend that you increase the size of their school to 5 or even 6, as long as there is just a betta to keep them company.

Also, please be sure to keep a little cave in there for them to get out of the light when they want to. :D
i did not think it would work just wondering
the danios are fine with the betta not niped him once .i save the danios from a friends house they where in a tini little tank and they seem to be much happyer in with my betta.. i think i will just get 3 more of the little guys and get a snail.... i can get corys for my next tank :D. thanks for the quick replys..

maybe i should have a catfish only tank next :D mums gonna kill me soon.
i have 4 cories in my 5ish gal.... they are fune AND content, i have a betta and 3 african dwarf frogs in with them and they are fine...
i originally had 2 cories but... after cfcs advice i got two more... they are so sweet

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