Corys In 23 Gallon Tank


Fish Gatherer
Jun 24, 2009
Reaction score
York, UK
I currently have my four corys (bronze, albino, sterbai and peppered) in a 14 gallon tank. In a few weeks, I plan to move them to my 23 gallon tank once I get all the plants, sand and caves for it.

I'm already worried about how big they will get, and on top of that I stupidly got one of each type, hoping they would shoal and be happy. Well, I don't think they are happy and they're definitely not shoaling. Would my 23 gallon (110 litres) be able to handle 8 more cories, 2 more of each type? Are the bronze and the albino likely to be the same type? I can't remember what the shoddy LFS labels said.

I love them all and don't want to have to give them away, so some good news in the stocking department is needed! I don't mind being slightly over stocked, as I'm more than happy to increase filtration/planting/water changes as needed, I just want to make sure they will all have the room and company they need.
I'm new to the hobby but i when I moved my three julii corys to a 10 gallon tank, there were many people on here who suggested that I increase their shoal to 6 members. so i guess if my 10 gallon can hold 6 cories i'm pretty sure your 23 gallon could hold atleast 10 corys probably more since they only get about 2 inches long. But it would be safer to wait until someone with more experience comments :) good luck!
It kind of depends on the footprint of your tank but a dozen cories would not be out of the question in a tank of that capacity as long as there is sufficient floor area for them. You wouldn't want many other bottom dwellers with them though.
in my 300 litre tank i have 40+ corys (could be 50) , 2 common, 1 leopard and 3 bn plecs - they all get on fine and have been living like it for many months
apart from that i have the normal fish in there and shrimp and snails
Hi Assaye :)

The number of corys you plan to keep in that size tank is fine, but I do see another potential problem. Your bronze and albino (C. aeneus) and the C. paleatus (peppered corys) prefer a much cooler tank than the C. sterbai. Could they C. sterbai remain in the tank with your neons? That would enable you to get more of the others too, and perhaps they would spawn for you some time in the future. :D
Sorry, totally forgot about this thread.

Yep, keeping the sterbai in with the neons is definitely an option, as long as 3-6 would be OK in a 14 gallon tank? It's a fairly square tank so not that long, but there is a good amount of floor space.

Would the albinos and the bronzes shoal together, or do they need seperate groups?
My 4 bronze in 125 litre don't always shoal together that much. They're all quite independent and 'meet up' with each other occasionally. So, I think a decent number of any type of Cory will induce more shoaling. I'm looking to get another 3 or 4.

I re-homed my 2 peppered when I discovered they require a much lower temp.

What temp are my C. aeneus best kept at Inchworm?

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