Corys Have Spawned


Fish Maniac
May 1, 2008
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My corys, not sure which ones, have spawned on the side of my tank, must have done it within the last 3 hours as I cleaned the tank sides earlier.

Trouble is looks like lots have already been eaten, rainbows or the corys themselves, there are about 10 left, Ive no breeding trap on hand, no spare tank either :rolleyes:

Anyone suggest something makeshift?
butter tub? bucket? ice cream tub? it is tempory of course! i would suggest getting a breeding trap.
Got a butter tub, good idea nick, yeah I know I need a breeding trap, but the shops are shut now for today, but this should see them thru the night, now how the heck do I attach it to the side of the tank to keep it warm and water flowing over it???
Have you got any large paperclips handy? Just wondering if you could make a couple of holes in the side of the tub (near the top) and do something with bending paperclips to poke one end through the tub and hook the other end over the side of the tank.

An alternative is a tea strainer sited on the surface so the eggs are in water but cannot be washed out. I've used that as an overnight emergency, or even a fishing net. You just need to either wedge the handle under the top of the filter to keep things in place (if you have something akin to the Jewel internal filters) or similar. Also has the advantage of providing some water circulation. Make sure the tea strainer/net is out of the way so other fish don't come around and start nuzzling at it and moving it.
put a couple of holes in the sides near to the top and get some thread/fishing line and then thread them through the holes and sellotape it to the outside of the glass, and then put the hood down. if you get me, therefore the thread can be adjusted to allow the tub to rise a few cms or drop, do this for the front back and sides and it should hold it in place.
no need for holes just put an airstone in the tub and just change the water 3 - 4 times aday just makes sure there is plenty of movement in the container 2 keep fungus away let them hatch in there and just keep cjanging water frequently they will be fine no need 2 buy unecersary traps hun when a food container etc works perfectly well longs water is change at least 3 times aday :) do u have any idea at all which cory's it was hun ?

I think and only because they were the ones nearest to it and also the ones eating the eggs, that it was the albinos (trio of), however, by the time I finished cleaning out the pot, sorting out how to fix it inside the tank, there were about 4 left, so I left them in there, but I shall be ready now for when they do it again :D

They have all just been moved into a larger tank, so I guess they like it in there :)

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