It is always a pleasure to welcome a new Cory person. And I am always so happy when someone finally discovers that Corys are a different fish when there are more than six.
I actually just went through that with my clown Loaches. I started with 2, lost 1. Got 2 more, lost 1. I waited a long time with my 2 lonely and secretive clowns in the 100 usg community. Finally an importer convinced me to add some WC clowns to my Tanganyikan Rift tank. He insisted that I must have 6 and would not discuss it. He settled for me adding my 2 community tank 4" clowns to the 125 usg Rift tank with the 4 x 5" ones he would send me.
When the new ones got settled I was able to catch 1 of my originals and add him. But 1 hid out and would not come out for anything. I decided he was probably dead. A year and a half later after the queens and straita got a little bigger, he started creeping out. He made a new home in a ceramic log that is closed at one end. One day I made my move and grabed up the log with his tail waving out the end at me. I dumped him in the Rift tank with the other five, who by the way I seldom saw.
All of a sudden I see all 6 out and about, racing the fronties for the food, swimming the length of the tank in and out of the rift rocks.
It is a whole new tank. The Fronts are no longer the kings and queens of the hill! LOL
It is hard on those that know to have their tips ignored by noobs like me. LOL
Now I like big Cory only tanks with big shoals of like minded Callicthyidae dancing the Cory dances and Celebrating the Cory parties. LOL