Corys & Gangs


Fish Crazy
Jun 12, 2007
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I now understand how important it is to have quite a few Corys. I started out with 3 and they were ok, I then got 2 more and they got a bit braver I then got a bigger tank and added 3 more and the difference in them is huge, whereas the 3-5 were a bit shy and calmly swam around the bottom, since the new 3 have joined them they are all out and about playing all over the place, just look like they're having a right laugh...I'll be getting a couple more at the weekend....bless their mad little fins..
hi LakeyGal

uv done the right thing by getting a biger group of corydoras they will be mutch more happyer and social with each other i always tend to have a minimum of 6 of the same speices :good:
hi LakeyGal

uv done the right thing by getting a biger group of corydoras they will be mutch more happyer and social with each other i always tend to have a minimum of 6 of the same speices :good:

thanks, it took me w while to get into Corys, always been a plec fan - now I'm wondering why I left it so long... ;)
yeah i was the same but not with plecs just comunity tanks its only been this last 6 months iv started to get in to them in a big way and set my tank up just for them( now im well addictid lol )

good luck with yours :good:
yeah i was the same but not with plecs just comunity tanks its only been this last 6 months iv started to get in to them in a big way and set my tank up just for them( now im well addictid lol )

good luck with yours :good:

Thanks, I can see them becoming a growing obsession :good:
It is always a pleasure to welcome a new Cory person. And I am always so happy when someone finally discovers that Corys are a different fish when there are more than six.

I actually just went through that with my clown Loaches. I started with 2, lost 1. Got 2 more, lost 1. I waited a long time with my 2 lonely and secretive clowns in the 100 usg community. Finally an importer convinced me to add some WC clowns to my Tanganyikan Rift tank. He insisted that I must have 6 and would not discuss it. He settled for me adding my 2 community tank 4" clowns to the 125 usg Rift tank with the 4 x 5" ones he would send me.

When the new ones got settled I was able to catch 1 of my originals and add him. But 1 hid out and would not come out for anything. I decided he was probably dead. A year and a half later after the queens and straita got a little bigger, he started creeping out. He made a new home in a ceramic log that is closed at one end. One day I made my move and grabed up the log with his tail waving out the end at me. I dumped him in the Rift tank with the other five, who by the way I seldom saw.

All of a sudden I see all 6 out and about, racing the fronties for the food, swimming the length of the tank in and out of the rift rocks.

It is a whole new tank. The Fronts are no longer the kings and queens of the hill! LOL

It is hard on those that know to have their tips ignored by noobs like me. LOL

Now I like big Cory only tanks with big shoals of like minded Callicthyidae dancing the Cory dances and Celebrating the Cory parties. LOL
With weekly water changes you should be able to keep 6 Corys in a ten gal tank. Especially if you add an air stone and some live plants--Java moss and sword are good low light plants that Corys like.
They both will attach to any piece of drift wood. The moss will attach to most anything in the tank--but not the tank itself. They will grow with really low light. They are both the brown thumb gardener's delight.

I would also recommend that you get a flourescent screw in bulb. It will save you on the cost of bulbs and electricity. It will also give a cooler light so there will be less temperature fluctuations in the tank. I usually get Coral Life. Most pet stores will carry them. As far as that goes you could use a 7, 10 or 13 watt flourescent from the hardware. It just wouldn't have the color spectrum that an aquarium light has.
Just poke around. You will be very glad if you can get a flourescent and some Java or Christmas moss!

The Java moss or sword can be tied on with thread to drift wood. The moss can be tied onto a rock or slate. Fish love it. It groes thick and will even provide hiding for fry and fish will lay eggs in it.
I don't have any drift wood, but I do have tank decoration that looks like it, will that work? Also, is there anything that I shouldn't tye it down with? Will regular string work?
Yes, guppy fan Java moss will attach to most porus surfaces such as ceramic and other fake logs. Tie it down with string. I have sometimes used the 4-5" plastic tie things that come on everything I buy. LOL I have them lying all over the place. I am such a pack rat. But string probably is better, because it will disolve over time.

If you check in the plant section you may find someone with plants to give away. Once moss is established it is an easily renewable recource and seems hard to kill.

BTW, the CoralLife twist flourecent aquarium bulbs are 10 watts which is equivalant to 50 watts of incanedescent and are able to give enough light to grow things in a 10 gallon
As a kid I usually had a Cory in my tank and thought they were cool but back then everyone siad that one per tank was enough.

When I started up again last November with a community tank I listened to my son's recommendation to get more than just one. Unfortunately the Pet Smart only had 3 of them at the time so I bought them all.

Well, since they started spawning I too 'have seen the light'.

I can't seem to find any more of the same species but I have 6 or 7 3/4 inch babies coming along in my 10 gal. tank. I can hardly wait to move em to my 60 gal. so they can be with their parents. What a sight that will be!

Now if I could only keep my otto's alive. So far I've gone through 8 of em...
I gave up on otos long ago. I killed a shipment of about 10 or more plus the individual and small lps purchases. They die one at a time until all are gone. I gave up when I lost the 10 or 15 that seemed to be doing fine and then were gone.

I am trying algae eating shrimp now, and I have BN plecs in several tanks that I hope to increase and breed in time.

I also don't do dwarf Corys. I killed off a shipment of 25 of those little guys one by one.

I mostly don't do well with the small guys or anything too sensitive. My CPD/Celestial Pearl Danios are doing well, and I hope they will breed. I go through a big influx of green neon and other neon Tetras every couple of years. But they are kinda cheap, and I like them in my community. I killed a nice group of scarlet dario dario/badis badis. They just don't last in the communities.
corys are my favourate tropical fish, only reason i went tropical is to have corys i think i went a bit overecessive and have 20 in a 40gallon 180 litre tank i suppose i do run too big externals of it! least i see them all the time, i have peppered, bronze and though i dont think technically a cory emerald. i hope its not to many i love seeing them scavenge for the pellets and tablets. they come out more then the sailfinplec thats for sure.

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