cheers ever1, yes but if i just had harleys, they only occupy top dont they or middle? i was told u need some kind of fish on each about
6 harleys, (1.0 - 1.5 inch)
2 Schwartz's, (2inch) -(i know its not three but wev got to bronzes in a tanks downstairs becz the other one died and there as happy as larry! very active!)
and 1 sparkling gouriami (they gro max 1 inch, but very pretty)
its a gallon of water for every fish (but u have to take the heght and length into
6 harleys = 6inch
2 schwartz's = 4inch
1 sparkling gouriami = 1inch
overall = 11inch (ur aloud to give and take a couple of inches)
and this way the schwartz's will be on the bottom, harleys in the middle and sparkling gouriami at the top (a good balance!) lol, thanks u guys iv had lots of replys!!
6 harleys, (1.0 - 1.5 inch)
2 Schwartz's, (2inch) -(i know its not three but wev got to bronzes in a tanks downstairs becz the other one died and there as happy as larry! very active!)
and 1 sparkling gouriami (they gro max 1 inch, but very pretty)
its a gallon of water for every fish (but u have to take the heght and length into
6 harleys = 6inch
2 schwartz's = 4inch
1 sparkling gouriami = 1inch
overall = 11inch (ur aloud to give and take a couple of inches)
and this way the schwartz's will be on the bottom, harleys in the middle and sparkling gouriami at the top (a good balance!) lol, thanks u guys iv had lots of replys!!