Corys For My Tank?

cheers ever1, yes but if i just had harleys, they only occupy top dont they or middle? i was told u need some kind of fish on each about

6 harleys, (1.0 - 1.5 inch)
2 Schwartz's, (2inch) -(i know its not three but wev got to bronzes in a tanks downstairs becz the other one died and there as happy as larry! very active!)
and 1 sparkling gouriami (they gro max 1 inch, but very pretty)

its a gallon of water for every fish (but u have to take the heght and length into
6 harleys = 6inch
2 schwartz's = 4inch
1 sparkling gouriami = 1inch
overall = 11inch (ur aloud to give and take a couple of inches)

and this way the schwartz's will be on the bottom, harleys in the middle and sparkling gouriami at the top (a good balance!) :teacher: lol, thanks u guys iv had lots of replys!!
that may work, but i still like to have at least 3 cories. os maybe sneak one in there and keep upo on water changes and quality and even being that much overstocked you should do fine.
thanks, wud this stocking be ok as well (i just need to so i can decide over time! lol)

1st stocking:

- 6 Harlequin rasboras,
- 2/3 Schwartz's corydoras,
- 1 Sparkling gouriami,

2nd stocking:

- 5 Cherry barbs (2male/3females) - are cherrys aggressive?,
- 2 Schwartz's corydoras,
- 1 German blue ram (or wud a sparkiling gouriami be a better idea?)

thganks guys!, o yea captain retardo i think iv decided which one i like best now lol :lol: :lol:
- ps: i was thinking about white cloud minnows? are they suitable? - i love the way they ride filter currents!
I dont know much about WCMM...sorry...

I think your second stocking is too overcrowded, take out the ram and lower the Cherry Barbs numbers to either 2 Cherry Barbs or 3 Cherry Barbs, they do fine in pairs and trios. Cherry Barbs are very peaceful, but shy. Sparkling Gourami gets small, so I think it would be fine.

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