Corys For My Tank?


Fish Addict
Mar 19, 2006
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just wondering wether u need bottom feeders in a getting a 10gallon and want to put in about 8/9 tetras and some corys, but wondering wether u need bottom feeders becoz if i didnt need to have them i wud probably get a german blue ram and lower the tetras numbers a bit...(sorry bit harsh,i love corys just i can only have pygmys and have been looking the past year for them and cant find them in all 4 of my LFS's), iv been told i can not have the pandas,bandits,bronzes etc as they get to big :-( and now iv seen the panda fry on a topic i want some!
yes but i want to keep about 7/8 black neon tetras and 1 honey gouriami, and now i am wondering wether i cud have normal corys with them, say 2/3 bronze corydoras...its just that i was told by a member that normal corys wud stock up my tank quickly :/ and out of all 4 of my LFS's none sell pygmy's!...cud i keep 2/3 bronze corys with 7/8 neons??....thanks in advance :D i really like corys just i want neons as well and was wondering wether bottom feeders are a neccity?? :look:
bottom feeders are not a necessity, but I do love corys and will be getting some for my tank.
well bronze corys get really big compared to other corys. they also really kind of need groups of 4 or more (preferably 6 or more).
Maybe if you didnt get the gourami you could have 3-4 corys (maybe), but they would have to be small, but they could be the "regular" kind.
how many US gallons is 10 UK gallons?
10 gallons - uk = 12 gallons - us, when u say regular corys, what do you meen, could u give me a list of a few corys suitable for my 10gallon just with 8/9 black neons? thanks captain retardo! :D its hard calculating the stocking n stuff lol!
by regular i mean not the dwarf kind (c.habrosus,c.hastasus,c.pygmaeus) btw-does your lfs have any of these because they would be more suitable for your tank.

You'd have to get small corys, heres a list (including an Aspidoras) (someone with more cory experience could help you and me out):

Aspidoras lakoi- 4 cm
Aspidoras fuscoguttatus- 3.5 cm
Corydoras garbei- 4 cm
Corydoras nanus- 3.5 cm
Corydoras gracilis- 2.5 cm
Corydoras napoensis- 4 cm
Corydoras sanchesi- 4 cm
Corydoras sychri- 4.5 cm
Corydoras xinguensis- 4.5 cm
Corydoras atropersonatus- 4.5 cm
Corydoras arcuatus- 4.5 cm
Corydoras guapore- 4.5 cm
Corydoras panda- 4.5 cm
Corydoras pygmaeus- 3 cm
Corydoras habrosus- 3.5 cm

These are just corys under 2 inches, some of them might not be suitable for your tank, like Corydoras panda, but I just gave them all for reference.

Is there any chance you can get a bigger tank?
no my lfs's dont sell dwarfs and i cant get any bigger asim having it in ma room and iv only got a small space for it :/ sorry...
i wouldnt like to....mmm i havent got a acount im only 14 lol, there is one more lfs near me tho, ill check there.
yh, depends wether they actually sell them by order as well! :X
I think tetras need a lot of swimming room,I'm not sure if they will go well in that tank, but they might, I am definetely no expert on Characins. Maybe you could ask somebody on the Characin sub-forum
o ok, i think thell be enuff room, the tank looks pretty big for a 10gallon wen u actuallt see it, and at both lfs's hu sell it they have about 12 black neon tetras! as a display in the tank and im only gonna keep 8 so i think it will be ok :D my lfs's sell normal corys, but which normal cory is the smallest and best?

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