The reason why it is important to know these things is so we can figure out what is causing the damage to your corys fins.
Betta Splendons are known to damage other fish,even if you see no aggression during viewing times, it can happen at night when the lights are off. Chinese Algae Eaters are known to become aggressive as they get bigger, so these too could be the culprits damaging your corys' fins.
Damaged fins are susceptible to infections which could be bacterial or fungal. With an uncycled filter you could have ammonia and/or nitrites in the water which also can damage your fish's fins, creating a breeding ground for bacteria or fungus.
A lot of people say they have normal ranges in their water parameters, but do they mean normal as none are detected, or normal for the spot in the cycling process they are in!
A 75 gallon is a beautifully large tank, but your stocking seems to be something you need to look at. You need to know what kind of species of fish you have and if they are compatible with each other, as well as if you have them in the minimum numbers they should be in. For example if you have neon tetras, do you have more than 6, since they need to be in schools to feel comfortable and secure? Otocinclus too should be in a group of 6 or more, Bettas generally do better as an only fish in a tank, but there are a number of people who have had success keeping Bettas in a community tank.
I don't have any experience with rainbow sharks, and hopefully someone else can advise on that!