corys at night


New Member
Jun 19, 2004
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My two little corys spend most of the day sitting on the ground behind some plants. But when I turn the light out at night they get really active and swim around the whole tank. Is the light making them nervous or are they just naturally nocturnal?
Cories are naturally nocturnal. However, cories like to be in bigger groups, so maybe if you have the space, you should add another 2 or 3 more cories.

I have just two cories in my community tank and they are fine during the day. However half my tank is fairly heavily planted so I imagine its not too bright near the bottom.

Is you tank rather sparce?
I have learned that corys are shoaling fish and should be kept in a school of 3 or more, so when i got some i got 3. My tank is not much bigger than yours and also have a betta in it, all my corys are very active during the day.

Perhaps you should get one more cory
What kind of substrate are you using?
Do you have any plants?

My tank has sand as a substrate and i have 4 different kind of leafy plants in mine as well as a piece of rainbow rock.
I have a picture of my tank here. It is pretty sparse because it's only been running for about two weeks. I've been looking for a little cave of some sort and when I find one I'll problable pick up another plant or two. As for the corys, I had another one but the betta killed it and I have yet to replace him.
Hi xbanditsx :)

Corys seem to have eyes that are sensitive to the light, some more than others. It's always a good idea to have a little cave for them so that they can get into the shade. B)

Try giving them live or frozen blackworms or tubiflex worms. It's an important part of their diet and they will love them. As a back up, freeze dried tubiflex worms are good to have. You can separate them by holding the cube underwater for a minute or two and then gently rubbing them between your fingers and shaking them. This will help them sink to the bottom where the corys will find them and your betta can help himself while they are suspended in the water. :D
Would my corys be interested in the blood worms that I feed my betta? Also, how many more corys could I fit into my 5 gallon before I get into overstocking issues?
A friend of mine saw the tank an hour before I got home and said nothing about a dead fish (when I found it, it was in a very open and obvious area). When I came home the betta was staring at the dead cory (which was on the bottom of the tank) and not moving. I would assume he did it, although I guess I don't really have any proof.
Well I'm sorry to hear that your cory passed away. I dont think your betta killed it though, perhaps it had a heart condition.....

Corys average 2 inches when fully grown and if you have a 5 Gallon Tank ( and the taller shape that you have) when taking the one inch of fish per gallon rule i woulden't go more than 3 cories and one betta, or maybe 2 cories and a small plec, this is my personal opinion.
If you can get them, I recommend some Anubias nana. I made a small forest of it on the right side of the tank (see photo below), and the cories love to hide under the low arching leaves. Also love the log on the left side with the extra anubias plant.
Would my corys be interested in the blood worms that I feed my betta?
My bet is YES!!! My corries (3 spotted 2 peppered) love frozen bloodworms. They go into a frenzy when the bloodworms are dropped in the tank. As for freeze dried my corries never got any as they never sank.

I have two Albino Corys and they are out and active most of the time..Very lively..Mine eat defrosted bloodworms and also the pleco biscuits. Actually they eat anything that gets put in the tank.......And they love the tablet food that you can stick to the side of the tank....But I always break one in half for them to have at the bottom of the tank..Spoilt!
I feed them TetraMin flakes. They get wet and sink straight to the bottom and the Betta will have nothing to do with them. I tried to sink some bloodworms and the one that worked seemed to be enjoyed.

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