Cory's Are They Hardy?


Fish Crazy
May 31, 2007
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Would you say that Cory's are a hard species, do people tend to use them in fishless cycles?
Would you say that Cory's are a hard species, do people tend to use them in fishless cycles?

No fish would be used for a fishless cycle LOL thats way its "fishless" and if you were to use any fish to cycle your tank, corys definately not. Corys prefer very clean water. they will survive (all though not for long) in poor conditions, but if you provide nice clean water they will provide you with lots of activity.
There are many varieties of Corydoras. Some are very hardy, some are more sensitive and shy and easily stressed. But no fish you care about should be used to cycle a tank. It really just is not necessary.

Where do you live again? There are people that will help you get your tank cycled if you live close. There is a pinned thing someplace with a list.
I'd have to agree with these guys. i have read about corys that can withstand some pretty bad water conditions ("excesive acidic conditions should be avoided" it said). but i really wouldnt use anything living to get a tank cycled straight from tap or spring water. A friend of mine, to get his tank going a bit, put in fish food and a few sinking formulas and let them decompose to help with the cycle. I think what he did is reasonable.

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