Corys And Protozin Treatment


Fish Crazy
Feb 27, 2007
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Hi. What happens if you dont use half the dose?? Will it kill them?

I ask cause I spotted what looks like the start of white spot on my blue ram, and a mollie flicking. I started waterlife protazin treatment yesturday and today is day 2 of cycle. Ive just this minute reslised I didnt half the dose!! Upon that i looked in tank and 1 cory looks dead and 1 is missing??

Please tell me what I should do?? I am going to do a water change now but wnat to know how much??

Grr cant believe ive done this, im so mad with myself :angry:
Hi. What happens if you dont use half the dose?? Will it kill them?

I ask cause I spotted what looks like the start of white spot on my blue ram, and a mollie flicking. I started waterlife protazin treatment yesturday and today is day 2 of cycle. Ive just this minute reslised I didnt half the dose!! Upon that i looked in tank and 1 cory looks dead and 1 is missing??

Please tell me what I should do?? I am going to do a water change now but wnat to know how much??

Grr cant believe ive done this, im so mad with myself :angry:

I'm sorry to hear your loss. But you seem got yourself an answer however the not happy one. Ideally, find the any fish that are not suppose to treat with more than half strength and move to another tank. I believe that include the Tetras and Corys. If you don't have another tank, I think you should do around 60% water change. Since that is more than 50 %, if any Corys or Tetras still alive and strong enough, they should recover. If you do more water change than that, you also mess up your treatment of other fish. Then, your poor Cory died for nothing. So do around 60% water change and cross your fingers and hope for the best. And after that, I would say keep treat other fish for half dose if there are Corys or Tetras in the same tank.
Good luck.
Hi. Thanks for the reply. Whilst i was waiting I did a 50% water change :unsure: The cory wasnt dead but i think quite poorly. Also the missing one was under a rock cave and also still alive though I think quite poorly aswell. The neons are all fine, just the corys that have been affected :( I really hope they will pull through this as I will so guilty if not as it would of been my fault :sad:

So from the treatment now on in what shall I do?? Obviously half the dose, but do I do it for more days?? A dose is due tomorrow then again on thursday??

God I feel sick to the stomach from my mistake :sad:
Since you didn't mention of moving fish, I'll take it you do not have another tank. And since you said the Corys are still alive, you could go get the temporary tank. I don't know where you live but in here U.S., we could buy plastic storage tub(big tupperware) which you can use for temporary tank for $5 for so. Depends on the size. Since you seem only have few Corys and Tetras, probably 5G size would do.
Then, you can seperate them between fish need to medicate and rest of fish who does not need to medicate.
When you do this, make sure use some old water although there are trace of the chemical in it. And try to maintain same temperature if it is possible. Also give them some shelters like some plants and driftwood., etc. You might want to keep this tub with Corys and Tetras in the warmest room or place near the heat duct.,etc . Depends on the species, they can take low 70'sF for day or 2. It would be nice to have filter but if you don't airpump would do fine. Also you could cover it up with blanket to try to retain the heat. And do the water change every day for next few days with little warmer temperature around 78F or so.
Or simply invest on the little heater which would be easier and better anyway. And you would never know when you need the extra setup. Like set up the hospital/quarantee, breeding/conditioning tank.,etc.
Anyway, this way you can concentrate treat the original sick fish with the treatment suppose to be receive and nurse back the Cory that had too much chemical with fresh water.

I hope you would consider to find the another tank/container to seperate them. Hope they would get better.
Hi. Sorry I replied with lack of info :blush:

1st i will jsut update: I woke thismorning and all the corys are back to active selves :D Thank god for that, so water change helped. However on the side of one of my mollies ive noticed a white patch, Ive tried getting up close but I just cant work out what it is. When she changes direction it looks fluffy like a fungus growth but if you look from the side it kind of looks like a wound?? can fungus grow that fast (overnight)?

I do have a little 5G tank actualy but I didnt use it as I dont have filter or heater. I cant seem to find a heater here in the uk small enough to fit in and room temp at the moment (going by my goldie tank thermometer) is 70-72 by day but drops alot during the night.

I will be in next couple of months be getting a new bigger tank (6ft) so the one im using now will kept as spare (no help now)
yeah fungus can develop really quickly sometimes.

i would transfer the cories to the 5g, turn the temp up in the room to keep the tank warmer, and put a light over it which you can leave on at night which should help warm the water a little bit.

personally i think slightly cooler temps than normal would be less damaging to the cories than a treatment of meds which are unsuitable for them.

then you can treat the main tank at full strength cos it sounds like they need it. then treat the cories in the 5g at half strength, doing 50% water changes every day to make up for the lack of filtration.

then hunt for a small heater and filter to go in there for next time.
is it just protozin that you do a half dose with? I've always treated my adult cory with full dose and young cory with half dose... Have I been doing this wrong? lol I've not had any die from treatment. I've had ill ones die in QT, but the healthy ones have always done well and most of the ill ones spring back...

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