Corydoras Undulatus


It's only forever; not long at all...
Dec 23, 2004
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Common Name: None.

Scientific Name: Corydoras Undulatus

Origin: South America

Average size: About 2 inches.

Care: Need to be kept in groups of 3+, as with all cories. Six or over is optimum.Care is the same as all cories. These are a fairly rare type, so check you don't have a similar species eg, corydoras elegans. They like to hide, so provide plenty of cover. Mine like to hide behind the row of plants at the back of the tank. They can be kept with anything that won't eat them. They are quick little things, so advoid moving them (believe me, playing 'catch the cory', even when you're only trying to get two isn't fun.).

Feeding: They will eat anything really. At the moment mine are eating betta flake (I forgot to buy anything else). Just make sure any flake you feed them is soaked, this will let it sink to the bottom. They keep the bottom fairly clean, but don't use this as an excuse to overfeed. Mine will also eat cucumber, peas, bloodworms... As I said, anything.

Sexing and Breeding: Sexing- The females are usually larger than the males. Also the colouring is different- The males have about 3 horizontal stripes with the top two joined together with vertical bars, the females look a lot like bronze cories. Spawning is, as far as I know, the same as other cories- condition the fish with live food, do a cool water change and allow to spawn. However, I have only found a few breeding accounts, so will hopefully update in a few weeks when I've tried it myself. If you want a more detailled account, see the profile on the spotted cory.

Photowise, I've got nothing for you. Every time I try to get near them, they scarper. But if I manage, I'll put it up.

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