Corydoras Species Tank


Fish Herder
Aug 2, 2005
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Alabama, USA
Im going to start a corydoras species tank very soon. Im looking for some pictures of a corydora only tank. Its going to be a 55 gallon. I have a good idea what im going to do by the way the cories I have now in my 30 gallon are acting. They seem to be happy and healthy with the way things are now, I just want to have a tank with just cories.

Im pretty sure Inchworm has some great pictures of her corydora tanks. I am going to do this right and it might take me a while to get it going.

As much as I like my cories, I have never given much thought to a cory-only tank. Because they spend almost all their time on the bottom, it leaves a lot of empty water in the middle/top of the tank. A 20 long might be good for something like that I guess. I look forward to seeing pictures when you have some, or if others post some pictures of existing cory-only tanks. Could be interesting. :)
Yeah, I took that in to consideration. Im probably going to get a school of Danios for the top and middle. I have 7 of them in my 30 gallon and really like them. It might not be an only cory tank, but the tank will be set-up for specifically for them. Ill probably add some other types of catfish. I have 3 Porthole Catfish that will probably go in the tank with them and Ill add some more of those. Thats another good question, any ideas on what type of other catfish that go good with cories that I could add to the tank?

As much as I like my cories, I have never given much thought to a cory-only tank. Because they spend almost all their time on the bottom, it leaves a lot of empty water in the middle/top of the tank.
Actually that is not correct. Not all corydoras spend their time on the bottom ! There are species that also maintain themselves in the middle and some that maintain at the top. It is a misconception that they are all bottom dwellers. While they may spend time foraging on the bottom these species will also spend quite a bit of time in the middle and or top. For example C.pygmaeus are bottom dwellers, C.Habrosus are mid dwellers, and C.Hastatus are top dwellers. A tank with all 3 of these species is actually quite dramatic.
As much as I like my cories, I have never given much thought to a cory-only tank. Because they spend almost all their time on the bottom, it leaves a lot of empty water in the middle/top of the tank.
Actually that is not correct. Not all corydoras spend their time on the bottom ! There are species that also maintain themselves in the middle and some that maintain at the top. It is a misconception that they are all bottom dwellers. While they may spend time foraging on the bottom these species will also spend quite a bit of time in the middle and or top. For example C.pygmaeus are bottom dwellers, C.Habrosus are mid dwellers, and C.Hastatus are top dwellers. A tank with all 3 of these species is actually quite dramatic.

Hey BetterBettas, thanks for the reply. My Corydoras aeneus are like that, especially the bronze. They are always swimming the glass. Ive been watching your auctions on Aquabid and like a lot of the cories you are selling. I just wish shipping didnt cost so much. I cant seem to find any C.pygmaeus or Green Lasers around here anywhere.

As much as I like my cories, I have never given much thought to a cory-only tank. Because they spend almost all their time on the bottom, it leaves a lot of empty water in the middle/top of the tank.
Actually that is not correct. Not all corydoras spend their time on the bottom ! There are species that also maintain themselves in the middle and some that maintain at the top. It is a misconception that they are all bottom dwellers. While they may spend time foraging on the bottom these species will also spend quite a bit of time in the middle and or top. For example C.pygmaeus are bottom dwellers, C.Habrosus are mid dwellers, and C.Hastatus are top dwellers. A tank with all 3 of these species is actually quite dramatic.

Point made. I haven't kept every kind of cory out there, I'll admit it. B) I have kept pygmaeus cories before, and they do swim a lot more than the other cories I have. I suppose even within groups there can be differences.

Do you have pictures of a tank set up like this? I would love to see one.
I working on getting mine set up. I got the tank and stand today and Im going to try and get the sand for the substrate by the end of the month. I have a lot of ideas, just have to be patient and do it right.
Hi Barracuda518 :)

I wish I had some nice tank pictures to show you, but since I recently moved, my tanks are rather plain. I'm still unpacking and am more concerned with keeping my tanks healthy right now than in making them pretty. That's something I will work on over the winter. :D

I will say that my corys love being in large cory communities. They are quite active in the big 55 gallon tanks too. Corys are strong swimmers and, even though they spend some time sitting, they love to swim across the length of a tank that size. Because of this, cory tanks should be somewhat simple and uncluttered.

They interact with each other too, and if you have a nice variety of species they will spend time in their own groups and other time mixing and socializing with the others. A couple of peaceful small fish, perhaps brightly colored platies, will give you lots of activity to look at in the water above them if you would like. :D
Hey Inchworm, Thanks for the reply.

I know that 2 species in the tank will be C.Paleatus and C.pygmaeus. Hopefully some green lasers if I can find some and if my Bronze/Albino breed from the other tank some of those. I still havent decided. What about some zebra danios for the top? You think they might be too active for the cories? This tank is all about the cories so everything is based on them.

Thanks for all the help :thumbs:
Hi Barracuda518 :)

I think you would need a whole school of zebra danios, wouldn't you? Then they would be taking up space that could be needed by the corys. They are sort of plain too, and I think a splash of color would be nice. Bettas go nicely with corys, but in such a big tank the filtration would make too much of a current for them. A couple of gouramis would be OK, but then they tend to get nasty dispositions once they mature. (I even raised a batch of them, but am liking them less and less! :angry: ) I'm sure there are lots of pretty fish that won't take up a lot of space but might add just a little something to it.

If you take your time stocking it, especially if you can buy some by mail order of from an auction, you will find yourself with a lovely tank. Corys come in a lot of different shapes, sizes, colors and patterns that it would be a shame to only have ones that are usually stocked by the lfs. But the bronze corys might still be my favorites though. :thumbs:
Yeah, Danios have to be in schools. I currently have a school of 7 in my 30 gallon. The only thing with platties is that they reproduce way tooooo much. I like gouramis, but had some in the past and didnt like the way they acted towards other fish. Are C.pygmaeus common around where you are? I cant find them any where. I also like the Bronze. I dont plan on buying any more of those, seeing as how the 30 gallon I have now is looking more like a cory tank as well and there are 4 bronze, 4 albino in that one right now. :rolleyes:

I thought about adding some other types of catfish to the cory tank. Any ideas? I have so many things I want to do. It can be very frustrating :rofl:
Hi Barracuda518 :)

I hate to have to be the one to tell you, but you are coming down with a case of MTS! ;) :lol:

I don't think it's a good idea to keep other kinds of catfish with corys, but otos are good and glass catfish are very interesting, harmless and stay off the bottom. :D
Hi Barracuda518 :)

I hate to have to be the one to tell you, but you are coming down with a case of MTS! ;) :lol:

HAHA! I know and it didnt take long either :lol:

Ok, then other catfish are out. What about Dianema longibarbis (Porthole Catfish)? They are very timid and are a lot like cories. I have 3 now and wanted to get more. I wish I knew all the answers, then I wouldnt have to ask you all these questions Im sure youve answered 100 times.

Thanks B)
about pygmy cories and danios, my pygmies used to hide loads as the other bigger cories were too boysterous for them. However, since I put a few danios in, my pygmies are constantly out and shoaling with them!! :lol: I think it must be because they see them as bigger relatives, I have never seen them so happy :D

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