Corydoras Question


May 20, 2006
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Hi All

I have 2 x albino corys. I going to get some more corys, but I have been told that I need to buy albino corys. I thought all corys are the same apart from their markings. Would different corys be ok as a group.

Hi, corys prefer to be in groups of their own species, and are much happier as such. They will sometimes shoal with other species of cory, but not all of the time, and need groups of around 6+ to be happy, although the more the merrier. :good:
Random but on Sat when I was doing my water change 4 of my Pygmy Corys started shoaling with 3 of my Green Neons. I was like "Oi, you lot do know you're not even remotely close don't you?" :lol:

Aren't Albino Corys just albino versions of one of the others? Is it Emerald? I think it might be ok to use them as the rest of the group coz as far as the Corys see they're the same.

I could be talking rubbish though.
Random but on Sat when I was doing my water change 4 of my Pygmy Corys started shoaling with 3 of my Green Neons. I was like "Oi, you lot do know you're not even remotely close don't you?" :lol:

Aren't Albino Corys just albino versions of one of the others? Is it Emerald? I think it might be ok to use them as the rest of the group coz as far as the Corys see they're the same.

I could be talking rubbish though.

No, there a colour morph of bronze, even though they would probably shoal with bronze cory's i would advise like pest control and say they would be better off in bigger groups of there own species.
Cory are all different types of species,the albino is a colour variant of the bronze cory,so it would be better to get some more albino and/or bronze corys to go with your two has these will shoal/hang out together and will breed together...

The corys tend to like their own kind,although they will mingle,when my 7 different groups of corys are resting they tend to hang out with their own kind - blacks with blacks,pandas with pandas etc etc...

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