Corydoras Julii Tank Mates?

greenmumma141 said:
juliis and false juliis have a black tip on their dorsal fins. And they have lines down their sides, yours is just reticulated all over. I still say sodalis. Which are still awesome little cories
Solsalis also have a lateral line :D 
Reticulated it is I believe.
Shaddex said:
juliis and false juliis have a black tip on their dorsal fins. And they have lines down their sides, yours is just reticulated all over. I still say sodalis. Which are still awesome little cories
Solsalis also have a lateral line

Reticulated it is I believe.
Oh, i thought they were just all spotty :)
So 5 cories, a nepite snail and a betta isn't overstocked? I think that would be fully stocked, but I don't know if it would be overstocked.
Cories that size are better off in a bigger tank... I wouldn't say 'overstocked' though, but I cat inlay wouldn't add anything else.
This isn't indeed no (False) Julii. It's either C.Sodalis or C.Reticulatus. Looks the same, but the last one has a dark spot in it's dorsal fin. The dorsal isn't good to be seen, but I think there isn't a dark spot : I put my money on Sodalis. Are often sold together !!!!

Cheers Aad
I think the corys and betta (and snail) would fully stock the tank. Seems a good amount to me.

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