Ive just bought 6 of these corys from tri-mar (awesome place) monty told me what they were when we first walked in but i forgot and he was busy pairing some rare nanacara for my friend.
I bought them anyway as i love them but would like to know the species please
Thank you
I know they are not very good images and for some reason picasa has cut the bottom off but hopefully its enough for an ID. They are the same fish in both pictures and i have 6 of these to join my julli's and metae corys
Ive just bought 6 of these corys from tri-mar (awesome place) monty told me what they were when we first walked in but i forgot and he was busy pairing some rare nanacara for my friend.
I bought them anyway as i love them but would like to know the species please
Thank you
I know they are not very good images and for some reason picasa has cut the bottom off but hopefully its enough for an ID. They are the same fish in both pictures and i have 6 of these to join my julli's and metae corys