Corydoras Hasbrosus, The Odds?


Dec 21, 2006
Reaction score
Derbyshire, United Kingdom
what are the odds on these guys breeding? id love to try to breed some.

if not what about corydoras trillaneatus? ive had my peppered cories spawn before, but id love to get some breeding again as i fancy a challenge.
Hi truckasauras123 :)

Both species will breed in a home aquarium. Breeding them is the easy part; raising fry to adulthood is much harder.
hi inchworm, thanks

if i introduced a group of ten (3 very plump and 7 thinner more streamlined- hopefully males) what would i need to do, to induce spawning?
Hi truckasauras123 :)

Please don't get the wrong idea about corys. If you have healthy and mature fish, that are in spawning condition, there are certain things you can do to encourage them by providing conditions similar to those in their natural habitat. But, you can't make them spawn if they are not ready and willing.

You can condition them by adding a good amount of bloodworms or blackworms to their diet. Once they are conditioned, lowering the temperature by doing a good water change and rinsing out the filter media is a good way to start. Often they will spontaneously spawn within a few days.

If you just want to spawn and raise a batch of corys, and don't have a particular desire to keep either of these particular species, I would recommend getting some C. aeneus, either the bronze or albinos. They tend to be both prolific and frequent spawners. :D

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