Corydoras Has Odd Growth! Help!


Coo, Man
Feb 13, 2013
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My peppered corydora ( singular ) has a white fungus looking thing coming out his nose.
What should I do?

This is him:

He seems fine other than this oddity. All the water tests are fine.
It looks like a ball of cotton wool in the pic is the correct?
Is it possible to check if there a spot beneath the cotton wool.
There's like a little red patch. I think he may have spike himself on something and then it has gotten infected?
Fungus can grow on dead tissue.
Cotton balls, and red patches can also be columnaris.
Can you isolate him as you will need bacterial medication. 
WILDER said:
Fungus can grow on dead tissue.
Cotton balls, and red patches can also be columnaris.
Can you isolate him as you will need bacterial medication. 
I don't have a hospital tank. Is it possible to just treat the whole tank?
What bacterial medications do you have at hand?
If it's not to badly infected sometimes melafix will work. 
None. I have salt and heat.
I'm going into town today so I could pick up meds if necessary
If it means anything the Cory is also looking kinda thin.
You will need to buy a bacterial medication but not one that wipes the good bacteria out in the filter.
Not sure on medications you can buy in Australia.
Gently run your finger on the ball to see if it will fall off.
For now some water changes.
Okay. I'll have a look and be sure to keep the water crystal clear.
I don't think he'll let me touch him. I'll try though
Is the cory still eating well, Or has he lost weight due to not eating..
What do his barbels look like. Do they look thin and short.
He's eating fine. His barbels look ok.
I picked up melafix and am treating as intructions say on bottle
Thanks aqua pit. I'll keep you guys updated. Let's hope he pulls through.

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