Corydoras Agassizii - Arrgh!


I think therefore I shouldn't
Jul 31, 2006
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Just got three of these very good looking Cory's. They're in quarantine at the mo. But should be in my main tank next week.

Any hints or tips specific to this species, or on Cory's in particular?
Hi MHunt :)

C. Agassizii are very beautiful corys and will surely be a fine addition to your tank.

Like other corys, they are usually easy to keep as long as the water is changed regularly and the nitrates kept low. Sand is appreciated, but a substrate of very fine, rounded gravel can be used too. If you choose the gravel, be sure to vacuum it often.

Corys are omnivores and like a varied diet that includes live blackworms or frozen bloodworms, a good quality flake food, and some form of algae which is usually in wafer form.

Good luck with them. I'd love to see some pictures when you get them. :D
Well that didn't last long, complete noob mistake.

Put the cory's in a small quarantine tank that hadn't been cycled properly, just seeded with the filter media from my main tank.

Three days later, a nitrite level of 1, and three dead cory's. To make it worse i was away with work, i might have done water changes to keep the water safe if i was at home, but got the call from my wife to say they had expired. I am gutted but it's my own fault for not taking my time and doing things properly.
Hi MHunt :)

Cloning a tank for a few fish is what I usually do with good results, but perhaps you didn't use enough old media. :/

There's something else you might not be aware of that you should also know. C. agassizii are almost certainly wild caught fish, and as such will have been a little more difficult to acclimatize to your tank than farm or tank raised corys would have been.

Please don't get discourage about corys. If you are new to them, let me suggest that you start out with either bronze or albino C. aeneus or C. paleatus. They are nice fish that do well in any peaceful community tank as long as the water temperature is not too high. :D
Well i now have three bronze Cory's added straight to my main tank, no messing about with quarantine tanks and then re acclimatising them to my main tank. They seem happy and active straight away which is great. they're even trying to have a go at some of my snails which is my other reason for trying Cory's.

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