Corydoras Aeneus Eggs?


Fish nerd
Mar 19, 2008
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I have this one horny large Corydoras aeneus who was always after anyone that moved. I went over to check on them and one female had 2 little round white things stuck to her anal fin. At first i was freaked out. Then I saw her push them on to a leaf. The male shimmied on them and all over everything.

So are they spawning? I have had a hard time keeping cory cats alive so I have never seen them spawn. I never saw the T thing i have read about.

if its only corys in the tank will the fry live? I have a 4" blue acara in there that needs a home but I cant bring my self to sell her. I can move her for the sake of the fry.
if they are laying eggs then they are indeed spawning. the fry will be very small and will be sucked into the filter if not covered... the parents may eat them when they are small too along with the acara. if you want to see the corys survive remove the eggs and place them in a small tub and add an air stone and in 3 days they should hatch. after about 4/5 weeks they shiuld be big enough not to be eaten by the parents but i would remove the acara....
I agree with matt :good:

Congrats on your spawn,make sure you move the eggs if you want to raise them otherwise they will get eaten :)
Hi snowflake311 :)

Good for you! Yes, they are spawning. First, let me give you a link so you can see what the T position looks like. Perhaps you will see your fish doing it.

You have two options if you want to raise some fry from these eggs. The first is to remove all the fish from the tank as well as plants, decorations, etc. Just have 1/4" or so of sand on the bottom. This will include the parents after they have finished spawning. C. aeneus are not usually egg eaters but they will not recognize their fry and will eat them. The second is to remove the eggs to another tank or container while they hatch. An airstone is needed to keep the water flowing over them. This will give you 3 or 4 days to prepare a small tank for them to start growing up in.

If you choose to remove the eggs, try to wait little while so that they have a chance to firm up. If you move them too quickly they will be damaged. If you wait too long, they will lose their stickiness and they will fall to the bottom of the tank when you lift them. Just roll them off the surface they are on with your finger and quickly roll them onto the side of the container. :)
Thanks everyone for the great info. I think I will just let these do thier thing. When I sell my acara and my arm is better I might try and raise some. I have been feeling good about my Cory keeping skills. I saw some pandas and I have always wanted some so I got 3 for now. They were just too cute and looked good and were a good size.

So I have 6 Corydoras aeneu with 3 pandas in a 20 gal tank. That's not too much? I have another community tank I can put them in. But I like having them in a tank to them self. The acara will be sold soon. So it will be a Cory only tank.
I had cory eggs today for the first time (that I've noticed). The fish are getting on age wise and were moved to a smaller tank about a month ago. TBH the tank needs a serious de-algae-ing but now I don't want to disturb the eggs, although I doubt they'll survive the endlers feeding habits.
I didn't see mine spawn either. Just went in to feed them and saw eggs all over the place in the aquarium. Looks like they had more fun today than I did at any rate!
Thanks. Yeah I got the Cory keeping thing down now. I think i was getting some bad batches of fish or something.

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