Cory With Fungus

Further news
After keeping up pimafix for a week and then pimafix and myxazin for week I am pretty sure that there is only one cory still with fungus so left them for a week with just a water change but one still has it so have just moved that one to a hospital tank. When I transfered him I got a closer look and touched the most pronounced area and it is more like a jelly texture and immovable. His tail fin is also looking pretty ragged.
Any ideas on what to treat him with. I could try him with another week of pimafix and myxazin, or I have also got some Interpet 8 anti-fungus and finrot.
But perhaps it isn't fungus at all.
Confused now and don't know what to do with the poor little chap.
I’ve recently had a Cory with very similar symptoms to what you’ve described. I treated at first with prima-fix & mela-fix to no avail, then I tried myaxin followed by protozin but despite looking cured the fungus came back. So then I went with JBL’s furanol it’s taken two full treatments, one in the main tank & one in a quarantine tank followed by a couple of half hour dips in a more concentrated solution as recommended in the instructions & this seems to have done the trick. It will kill the filter bacteria though, i got over this by moving my external filter to another tank & just leaving the internal for the duration of the treatment.

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