discus dreamer
Fish Fanatic
Any suggestions for treatment please
I have a cory strerbia with fungus. I have treated it before with interpet antifungus and thought it was better so returned it to the cory tank. Unfortunately the fungus has flared up again and he now has cotton wool like opaque patches in several places. I have treated the whole tank (5 cories) with pimafix and it is now day six of the seven day treatment and no improvement. Any ideas for what to try now. I didn't move him to the hospital tank this time as the whole tank have been very nervous since a move and changing to sand and i can't catch him without quite a bit of chasing around, also i think at least one other has a bit of fungus as well. They are eating ok (excited about some live brineshrimp) but very shy and hiding. My stats prior to the treatment were Amonia 0 nitrite 0 nitrate 25 ph 7.
I have a cory strerbia with fungus. I have treated it before with interpet antifungus and thought it was better so returned it to the cory tank. Unfortunately the fungus has flared up again and he now has cotton wool like opaque patches in several places. I have treated the whole tank (5 cories) with pimafix and it is now day six of the seven day treatment and no improvement. Any ideas for what to try now. I didn't move him to the hospital tank this time as the whole tank have been very nervous since a move and changing to sand and i can't catch him without quite a bit of chasing around, also i think at least one other has a bit of fungus as well. They are eating ok (excited about some live brineshrimp) but very shy and hiding. My stats prior to the treatment were Amonia 0 nitrite 0 nitrate 25 ph 7.